Welding Frame Questions


Registered User
I am building a new frame for the rear of my CJ. I have the metal all cut and am ready to start, is there anything I should now about before I weld? I am putting a 2x4 in exsiting frame, welding it in there, I have 45 degree angles for the arch, and was wondering what i can do to make them strong as possible? I have seen people put a patch or bandade across the seem and weld to both pieces, should I do this? Any help would be great!


Well-Known Member
its not a bad idea to weld the pieces together gind the weld flat and then put a "splice" over the two and then weld that...may not be necessary but wouldnt hurt anything


Vanilla Gorilla
You have to think about your penetration. You will have a hard time without a fire breather of a welder to get 100% penetration on your butt welds(and you will blow through constantly). This means that the weak spot is at or relatively near your welds. You have created an area of weakness where you intended strength. That is why you do the plating across the weld. This gives you more surface area and helps stiffen the frame in the end. Get a nice looking piece to go across the weld and down the frame on both sides...It can't hurt, it can only help!!


Vanilla Gorilla
I was gonna say fish plates but I couldn't remember is that is what you call it when you box a C type frame or if they used the same terminology


Registered User

fish plates! That is what they are, so I will definately do those, is one side okay, or should I do both? How long a piece would you say is best? 4 inches?

Any other Suggestions???
