What about SUWA?


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The fact that he's a smart ass that can't spell is what makes me want to shove his lack of knowledge down his throat.


Well-Known Member
Caleb do you know where overstock stands on this subject?
I honestly have no idea. I think they would fall in to the category of not having a stance. Since this doesn't directly affect their business, I don't think they would take a stand one way or the other.


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I just added it up and the RRWA encompasses about 9,440,850 acres. All of Utah is 60,362,784. That's almost 1/6!

Cody, do you want me PM you his email address?

Whatever you would like to do. I was just going to whip up a cleaver bit o' enlightenment for him that you could attach your name to. I won't be able to get to it until after work though.

He clearly is pretty knowledgable about SUWA, considering that he seems to think that the bank fraud scheme they were convicted of was only a "report".


Well-Known Member
Whatever you would like to do. I was just going to whip up a cleaver bit o' enlightenment for him that you could attach your name to. I won't be able to get to it until after work though.

He clearly is pretty knowledgable about SUWA, considering that he seems to think that the bank fraud scheme they were convicted of was only a "report".

Don't you mean a cleaver bit o' enlightment? :rofl:


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I'm 3/4 through it, but I'm kind of drunk right now so I won't finish it until tomorrow. I started making stuff up (because I know he won't know any better, but it still doesn't make it right), which is the first sign that I am drunk.

JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
The large issue for me is it gives the Fed even more control. It bothers me that so many Americans turn their backs on their birthright.



..you could touch on their inclusion of local Moab businesses in a newspaper campaign claiming support of SUWA, and their subsequent withdrawal and apology after being publicly called out by companies who were included but don't support them...

or the "citizens inventory" is a good one....

...or you could touch on paid delegates freely admitting to using pictures of ATV tracks in an area of Arizonaa sdfaklsdjklfasdklfjaskldf jklasdfjklasjkdlfjklasjkdlfjklasd

I've been looking for references to these three points, but haven't found anything yet. Do you know where I could read up on them?


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the first you should be able to find a big thread on this board about, the 2nd is in regards to how they managed to survey all of those millions of acres in a fraction of the time it took trained BLM employees to do it (I have some links saved, not sure if they are still good, but they are on my old hard drive), and the 3rd is from a camping trip that i went on to the Arizona Strip/Whitney Pockets area with a delegate from SUWA who was taking pictures of ATV tracks across an area that was open for cross country travel, and glorifying his find since he would be able to show it to politicians in DC who wouldn't now the difference between that and Moab. He also didn't have much of an idea about SUWA and how they operate, he just went because DC is "a kick ass place to party".

I'll finish my response letter this weekend.


Sandy, Ut
Even more disgusting about the 'Citizens Inventory' was how they catagorized Wilderness, disregarding the standards set forth by law and creating their own criteria. I know a past SUWA member that jumped on board during the Citizen Inventory, he was told to disregard 'lesser used' routes regardless of their historical access or what not, clearly shown by the results of their actual inventory.

Keep in mind the BLM found just 1/3 of Wilderness quality lands in the same places that SUWA found over 9 million? The BLM followed the standards set in stone by law and used seasoned staff to conduct the inventory of lands within their own districts.... SUWA sent out summer break college students to build their database. Faulty from day one.

The thread about the shady business support list is rather old, might take some searching. Basically a caller would contact a business in Moab and ask whomever answered if they supported protecting Wilderness, blah, blah, blah... If the $7/hr summer employee said "sounds great to me" they became a Wilderness Supporter in the eyes of SUWA who went as far as to publicize the list. In all honestly it would be no different then us blacklisting a company for being a SUWA "supporter" because some do-gooder employee wrote a check to SUWA or donated something on their behalf... hence why black list type deals need to confront the owners & operators of these business to decide their true intent and where they spend their money at the end of the day.


Well-Known Member
Even more disgusting about the 'Citizens Inventory' was how they catagorized Wilderness, disregarding the standards set forth by law and creating their own criteria. I know a past SUWA member that jumped on board during the Citizen Inventory, he was told to disregard 'lesser used' routes regardless of their historical access or what not, clearly shown by the results of their actual inventory.

Keep in mind the BLM found just 1/3 of Wilderness quality lands in the same places that SUWA found over 9 million? The BLM followed the standards set in stone by law and used seasoned staff to conduct the inventory of lands within their own districts.... SUWA sent out summer break college students to build their database. Faulty from day one.

The thread about the shady business support list is rather old, might take some searching. Basically a caller would contact a business in Moab and ask whomever answered if they supported protecting Wilderness, blah, blah, blah... If the $7/hr summer employee said "sounds great to me" they became a Wilderness Supporter in the eyes of SUWA who went as far as to publicize the list. In all honestly it would be no different then us blacklisting a company for being a SUWA "supporter" because some do-gooder employee wrote a check to SUWA or donated something on their behalf... hence why black list type deals need to confront the owners & operators of these business to decide their true intent and where they spend their money at the end of the day.
The blacklist thread was deleted by the OP due to the controversy surrounding it.

I agree completely about blacklists.


I agree about the black list thing. I'm just trying to find a source I can cite about what SUWA did.

I sent the guy an email telling him I'm still working on putting all my facts together. He responded that they're looking into it too and are interested in what I have to say. Sounds positive.


Formerly Beardy McGee
Robby tried to post a few times, but his blackberry quit on him each time..

His cousin got caught in the middle of the 'blacklist' episode. His seasonal employee from back east was approached about preserving land, and he said he agreed and that it sounded like a good thing. So SUWA used that to mean that Robby's cousin's GAS STATION in Moab was against OHV travel.. Now what gas staion would be against motorized use?

The 'blacklist' idea does need to be carefully approached, which is why I like Caleb's white list..