What are you listening to?

These guys released this album in 2005 but I just discovered them. uh yeah yeah, well alright its saturday night night night.


listening to my fish tank filter running and my refrigerator running and some other weird buzzing noise while sitting at the kitchen table
I've rediscovered this great song this weekend. I thought I'd share.

I've been on a folk kick, here's some more good stuff.

The Bullet, by Devil Makes Three

Firecracker, by Frazey Ford
I've been listening to the Valley Arena and "UME" a lot today.



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another great one I stumbled upon today. This will be in one of my future videos.

Discovered this today. I doubt anyone else will dig it, but it's going to be a killer song for a future video.

I just discovered these guys. Fantastic musicians. probably a bit much for most listeners, but I really dig 'em.


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I couldnt find the first one to down load any where? Did you?

These are not really new and way out of most peoples taste and maybe even a little offensive but I like it!

