What are you listening to?

as much driving as I do, I get lots of opportunity to listen to a lot of podcasts. A few that I really enjoy:
Mike Rowe - The way I heard it - great stories reminiscent of Paul Harvey for the early ones, interviews with people following some stories for the later ones.
Jocko Willink - amazing conversations with authors of Military books and leadership. Long form
Sword and Scale - True crime. The psychology of the monsters who commit these hienous crimes is of interest to me.

I used to listen to a lot of podcasts which had a political bent but found that it just caused too much stress.
Besides what are you listening to, how do you listen most of the time?

Streaming, CD, vinyl, etc.?
Where do you do most of you listening, car, home stereo system, headphones/buds, etc.?
Besides what are you listening to, how do you listen most of the time?

Streaming, CD, vinyl, etc.?
Where do you do most of you listening, car, home stereo system, headphones/buds, etc.?
I pay for YouTube premium and listen to Youtube music, either streaming or downloaded to my phone. I've listened to CD's recently, but rarely.
Besides what are you listening to, how do you listen most of the time?

Streaming, CD, vinyl, etc.?
Where do you do most of you listening, car, home stereo system, headphones/buds, etc.?
I have Amazon Prime, so I use Amazon Music to stream music pretty much exclusively. I do have a "decent" vinyl collection that I slowly add to when I come across something of interest.

As for where; at my computer while I'm working mostly. When I'm driving I usually listen to podcasts. And then my record player is in our main room, and I probably put an album on once a week or so.
Similar experience... This guy is also like a pro scooter rider and he's obnoxious in his videos... But I don't hate his music as much as I want to.
