What books are you reading (or listening to?)

LMK what you think of that book. It's had some mixed reviews. On loan or did you buy?

A must read for rock art aficionados. Kind of a tough read, the writing is far from fluid, but not nearly as brutal as trying to get through the Miller HITR book. I'm more than a little impressed that @mbryson got all the way through that one. It was a forced march for me, no pleasure in it.

The Rocks Begin To Speak has convincing insights I've never seen broached anywhere else - and I have an extensive library on the subject. Enough to have changed my mind on fundamental aspects of the subject. Like, yes, some people DO know what some rock art means. Precisely so. Or, at least, some people did. Before reading that book I didn't really believe anyone knew. Now I know different.

Nice., I'll toss a little more out there since many of you have this book.

I'm still holding back a bit before I get into this stuff again but I'm planning some trips for the near future, with who I don't know yet but I feel like I need to while I am still capable of doing so.
I'm fortunate I did get to spend some time with my dad before he passed, he wanted to take me somewhere and it just never happened, now that him and Grandpa are both gone, I at the least need to visit some sites and somehow share or pass down their story and some knowledge? I'm not on any forums about any of this. Do I continue what was never finished? I myself don't have children and from what I see of the younger gens in the family, they have zero interest.

I can't underestimate the time they spent researching, learning and adventuring.

Since Grandpa was the photographer I don't have tons of photos of him.