If you decide you don't want to invest the money or commit the space to a plaz table, but still want some of the learning curve of doing your own drawings, feel free to draw up whatever you need and I'll cut it for you. I'm always encouraging people to do their own drawings, although I end up doing them more often than not anyway.
On that subject, there are many programs that will work to generate drawings you'll use. Just about any CAD software can work, as well as drawing programs like CorelDRAW, Adobe Illustrator, etc. I personally use Delta CAD because it's cheap and easy, Draftsight because it's free and can handle more file types, Inkscape because it's free and fairly powerful for artsy stuff, and Make The Cut because it came with my wife's craft cutter and works better than Inkscape for certain things.
There is a few things that were big learning curves to running a table. Generating the drawings/files are one of the big ones. Coming up with your cut settings is another (this is where using a Hypertherm really helps, since their cut charts are fairly accurate). It doesn't take much of an error to screw up a piece of metal, or ruin some parts.
Usually those parts are consumables that you probably have extras of anyway, but sometimes you break something expensive too. Those are the much-less-fun days of having a table.