WHat do you do?


was wondering what everyone here does for a living? what type of schooling you took and maybe where ya went? trying to get ideas here. Thanks alot guys. and any recomendations on jobs with good outlooks in the next 5-7 years would be helpful as well. thanks


Well, for me, I work for Discover Finacial Services (Discover Card) Right now, it's just a job. Trying to just work my way up the ladder a bit. I am not sure about long term career with them yet or not, but you never know. Theoretically, I can make a lot with them, but that just all depends. Start small, aim big.


Registered User
Iam a RuffNeck. I work on a drilling rig. It doesn't take any schooling, but the pay is good and there is room for advancement, maybe someday I will be able to make 400 a day. I would suggest going to school to find something that you enjoy. maybe you can job shadow somebody in a few of the careers your interested in?


K85k03 said:
maybe you can job shadow somebody in a few of the careers your interested in?

exactally what im planning on doing. just have to find something i like doing and someone to shadow. keep um coming guys. thanks


Well-Known Member
K85k03 said:
Iam a RuffNeck. I work on a drilling rig. It doesn't take any schooling, but the pay is good and there is room for advancement, maybe someday I will be able to make 400 a day. I would suggest going to school to find something that you enjoy. maybe you can job shadow somebody in a few of the careers your interested in?

well, after having a few jobs that paid very well, I am at the point (and I am still very young) that I have decided I want to ENJOY going to work. If I happen to make crappy money or good money, well so be it. While shrimping I was making $350 a day plus bonus (which had the potential of being as much as $10K-$15K)...this was all with zero schooling...I did kinda luck into the position, but I advanced quickly (I was a captain by the second year there, normally you are a deckhand for years, I never was a deckhand). I also worked at Discover Card, again making decent money for having no schooling. The atmosphere was very negative there, which brought everyone down. I dreaded going to work, and got bored with that work rather quickly. I was promoted about every 3-6 months and was never in a position longer than 6 months. For what the job was, it paid well and some people really did enjoy the work.

Currently I am working at a Digital Print shop (Rastar Digital Marketing). We are currently the largest variable printer in the world, we work hand and hand with HP in developing new technologies, and every time they come into our shop they are amazed at the stuff we are doing. Right now I keep paper ordered and I also deliver. My position right now is just an entry level position, but the shop manager has been wanting to pull me onto a press for the last week or so, I would rather go into sales than jump onto a press but being a pressman is a very hard job to get so I may do it just for the pay raise:D and the experience. I enjoy the company I work for, and I look forward to going to work each day. I have attended a little bit a schooling, but nothing major. Mostly technical schooling (computer related), with a few classes at the community college, one thing is for sure though I really want to get back to school (missed out on getting right into school cause I was making killer money out of high school and didn't have a real reason at that time for school, DON'T MAKE THAT MISTAKE!!!)


Tin Foil Hat Equipped
i'm serving time in a 8'x8' padded cell... (currently doing phone support for Novell)

I've had better jobs and this won't be my last one. Pay and benefits are good but the job itself sucks. Seems like the jobs i've enjoyed don't pay enough and the jobs that don't pay I've enjoyed... Hoping one day to find a job I like and that I can pay the bills...
I've done admin for Windows, Unix, Linux, Netware and I'll even admit to some VMS.


Parts Collector
I'm making about 60k driving a brown truck. It didn't take any schooling, but it did take 6 years of part time work, and I have to work alot of overtime to get what I make. Good pay, but they suck the life right out. My wife has a masters degree from the UofU and makes less than half of what I get :ugh: :eek: (teacher :p )
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total tacoma points: 162
i run extrusion equipment for a PVC pipe company. the pay is great, the benifits suck, long hours, but i never work more than 3 days in a row, and i get fri,sat,and sun off every other week.

you do what you have to do to take care of the kids, pay the mortgage and suport the wifes education.

maybe when she is done with school and making a BILLION dollars a year, then i will look into an education..... maybe golf or bowling :D


total tacoma points: 162
popo said:
Four years of learning how to make my bed, aim gun, pull trigger, keep head down, and salute.
Then little less than a year of running, listen to some guy tell me what laws are, and how people brake them.
Another four years driving around giving tickets to the turds of the world, and hauling trailer trash to jail.
Two years of school to tell me how to do my job better, and get a cool paper after it was all done.
Know I sit in a car with tinted windows and a bounch of cool guns in the trunk and other cool toys to use to bust people with.
In five years, just five years closer to retirement :D

Law enforcement is got to be the best job out there. There has never been a day that I have had the same thing over and over again. The best thing to do is keep going to school and get all the training you need and want. I got more than what people said I needed, now I tell then how to do things.

As we like to say: **** rolls down hill. :eek:

i bet you now where all the best donuts are sold... :rofl:

just kidding. you do a great service to the comunity(whatever comunity it happens to be) and i thank you.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
I have 2 B.S. degrees in Marketing and Organizational Communication. I have a small photography company that I'm trying to build, I work for Circuit City in the car audio department, I do some entrepreneurship, team building, goal setting etc. training for a company called Tri Leadership, and a drink a lot.



Resident Stoner
a cloud of smoke
I work for overstock.com doing customer service. Decent pay for my age/schooling (none)/ and experience +bonuses. I love my job.

One thing I've learned is that your happiness with a job is not a function of what you do completely. It's all about your attitude. I choose everyday to love my job, and I do. It's an easy job to hate, and most of my collegues hate it, but I love it because I choose to. That's the biggest thing you can do for yourself: choose to love your job, whatever it is. Whether you're planning on being there for 3 months or the rest of your life, love it while you're there.


*** Ambassador to Japan
Right now I am finishing up the last part of a five year enlistment in the Marine Corps. The whole time I have served as an Air Traffic Controller, and that is what I plan on doing when I get out here in January. There are several options and the job outlook is very good. I am hoping to get into the FAA as they are supposed to be hiring a thousand controllers a year for the next little while. As far as schooling goes I went through the military but there are several civilian schools. The civilian schools are spendy but they are worth it, the average salary of an air traffic controller is right around 80k some a little lower some a little or a lot higher.


Never enough time
Utah County
popo said:
Know I sit in a car with tinted windows and a bounch of cool guns in the trunk and other cool toys to use to bust people with.
In five years, just five years closer to retirement :D

Law enforcement is got to be the best job out there.

Me too! The guns/special duties are what make this job great. I have some college and lots of training from work. I have just under 9 yrs until I can retire :D . So far cop life is good.


North Ogden, UT
Spork said:
Seems like the jobs i've enjoyed don't pay enough and the jobs that don't pay I've enjoyed...

Me personally, I'm an engineer with a major transportation company. ;)


Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
Ogden, UT
Oil field jobs are plentiful from Farmington, NM to Cody, WY. Roughnecking is okay, but it sucks when it gets cold. You could go the route of a wellsight geologist or a mud engineer. These types of service hands collect good money and work strange, but flexible hours depending on the company. Pay can be anywhere from $36K to $65K if you work in the field. $55K to $100K+ if you find work indoors. Do your duty to Rock Gods and your country, support domestic oil and gas!! :D


2024 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon 392
Herriman, UT
I went to school for nine years to get my four year degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology. Now I sell tires part time and work at Redi-Check (find errors in blueprints to save companies money before they build and find the mistakes) part time. I am hoping that the Redi-check goes full time and the Tires goes away.



I drive Frankenstein!!
I work in Manufacturing Information Systems (computers), I keep hardware running, support software/programs, 1 of 2 Network "engineers" on site. Not exactly an engineer but I am in charge of all changes to the Network. I prefer Networking but there isn't a large job base for Network Engineers. If I find one I am not going to let it go! I also am in charge of Windows desktop policies and currently the Novell Admin on site for the MIS. Too bad we are getting rid of Novell :-\ . Here comes Active Directory! Currently working on CCNA, and Microsoft AD training. I surf the web a lot too... :p


Oh yeah... Associates degree in Network administration and Computer Technology.


Registered User
Interesting thread, I will be graduating in 6 months from the Y in business, should start looking now for a job... would like to work in N. Utah for 5 years or so then jump ship (from San Jose CA, but most likely wont be able to afford living near the coast anymore)
I studied business because I never was able to pinpoint what I wanted/want to do, thats why I picked something vague and very open.
Keep the advice coming...


gksspot said:
Interesting thread, I will be graduating in 6 months from the Y in business, should start looking now for a job... would like to work in N. Utah for 5 years or so then jump ship (from San Jose CA, but most likely wont be able to afford living near the coast anymore)
I studied business because I never was able to pinpoint what I wanted/want to do, thats why I picked something vague and very open.
Keep the advice coming...

good advice w/ the business. i know what ya mean about CA, getting to be a zoo over here. im in union city and well, im planning on moving to Utah or CO. well see how it all pans out though.