what is with the I-15 construction?

No matter what it is still worth it to live here in Utah, even though it is warm and sunny, you have to travel a long way in Calif. to get to areas we have within an hour or so. I was from San Bernardino, and the Long Beach area in Calif. I don't miss the smog and congestion. I mainly came up here to snow ski, however that ended after being hit two times on a street bike.
Yep, you take the good with the bad :)
I drive through Utah country nearly every day and really haven't been that bothered by the construction. It's nowhere near as bad as the pre-Olympics construction was.

x2... I drive univ pkwy to AF 2x/day, and I don't think its that bad. I tow the trailer through it a few times a month and that's not even really worth complaining about :p
I'm from CA too, and maybe that's why this construction is so surprising to me. We were up in the bay area, so we had a really mild climate, so the roads lasted forever. Roads were well marked and painted. There were street lights on most roads, and there were far more street signs (speed limit signs, freeway exit signs, signs that told you what lanes did what at the stoplight, etc). The weather, the drivers, the road/freeway layout, and the people are the only things I miss from CA. I'm so glad to be here in utah, it's just tough to see road construction drag on for years where it would have taken months in CA.

^ This. I'm from San Jose and it blows my how torn up I-15 is and how long it's taking. I love everything about CA except the liberals. That being said Utah has many of the things I love about CA without the libtards so I think I'll stay here until this state falls apart too. Then I'll move to Idaho, Wyoming or Montana. :D
the funny thing is CA dosent have as much construction, the roads last longer and such but the traffic is 10 times worse ive driven through and around so cal several times and the traffic sucks balls especially in town but thats because there is a billion ans a half people in a square mile there.
The roads here in utah are always on constuction for several reasons. One is when Utah wants a road done they get bidds. However when guys give the state a bidd they usually give a very long away date to finish because if they finish faster they get paid more and if they go past the date they said it would be done they get paid less. Now you'd think that would make them work like a fire is underneath them but it dosent because they told the state it would take them 2 years to do it, and really they could get it done in 6 months so getting it done in a year is a relaxing build for them:)

At least in northeren utah they do all the construction at night.
Here is a little more confusing info for the construction deliema

They resently redid all of 89 highway up north starting about farmington to ogden in only a month or so all at night!
One reason the Utah County I-15 Core project is so long and bad is that all the state money went to the previously mentioned pre-Olympic road construction on I-15 in SLC, the infamous luge run. That was wicked. Utah County was postponed and was beyond overdue by the time UDOT got to it. It will be nice in a year. I'm glad I live a mile from work and can plan my I-15 trips.
From 2007-2010 I drove from Lehi to NSL. For the last year I have been driving from Lehi to University Pkwy and even with the construction the traffic is better than 12300 South to 215. And you are right Steve, it won't be done by snowfall. In fact it is not scheduled to be done until December 2012. All things considered I think they are doing a phenomenal job of keeping the lanes open and traffic moving. Replacing 26 miles of 10-12 lanes of concrete, reconstructing 10 interchanges and 55 bridges in 2 calendar years (of which several months are less than ideal for construction) is pretty good IMO. EDIT: WITHOUT much of an impact on traffic! (if there were no cars on the road they could likely get it done in 1/3 to 1/2 the amount of time). The biggest complaint I have is that we have a brand new road (traffic is already driving on some sections) and it is nowhere near smooth. I can't imagine what it will be like in 40 years (expected life of the road-which means it will probably not get replaced for 60). Same problem in SL CO. Bumpiest freeways even right after completion.
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One reason the Utah County I-15 Core project is so long and bad is that all the state money went to the previously mentioned pre-Olympic road construction on I-15 in SLC, the infamous luge run. That was wicked. Utah County was postponed and was beyond overdue by the time UDOT got to it. It will be nice in a year. I'm glad I live a mile from work and can plan my I-15 trips.

I agree, it's going to be really nice when it's done. A few extra lanes on the right side to pass all the left lane loafers in Utah Valley. :D :squint:
Funny, I had lunch with one of the construction managers who is over the Utah Valley construction. He is a good friend of mine, I always send him a nasty text when I get stuck in traffic down there. He explained to me today how demanding this project has been. He works for a company that was specifically established for this project. It was a 3 year deal, he is expecting to have to move somewhere out of state once this project is over to move on to the next deal. But he said that in all the years he has been in heavy highway construction industry this has been the most aggressive project he has seen. We were eating lunch in his office, and he was showing on his maps on the wall why it was ridiculous that the government wanted to complete this long of a section of road in such a short time. He estimated how much money they were saving by taking care of it, all at once. It was interesting to hear his perspective, but I still hate driving through it... And I will still send him nasty text messages when I am parked in traffic and count down the days until it is finalized.