What would you do?


Well-Known Member
Do you carry? Do you train with it? I normally don't, but I think if I were going into a situation like this I'd probably have to get serious about it. The wife too.

I did have my cordless hole puncher on me the rest of the night. I should spend some more time training with it though.
Just start Chadding around with a shotgun on a sling while you do yard work.

I do try to make effort to be seen outside, and if I see someone I don't recognize, I make sure they know I've noticed them too.

Overall our neighborhood is pretty live and let live, which is nice. It's not a parade of homes area by any means, but the social line of what's acceptable has to be drawn somewhere.
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I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
My buddy has those and they are pretty good. The only thing he wishes he did differently would be to get the PTZ cameras.

Those would be neat.
We have enough cameras that every spot is essentially double covered.
Wyze does a sale every summer where you can get up to 99 camera subscriptions for $99/year. So we can basically have as many as we want for what I think is a great price.


Well-Known Member
No doubt. My point was simply that DCFS is a feel good do nothing agency. Calling them might be good documentation for prosecution later, after it's too late. But they don't, actually, do, squat. How many dozens of times were they called about those poor kids in St. George. And never did a gawd damn thing.

My situation with them. Had there been actual abuse, same result - zero, nothing, nadda.

Go ahead and call them and get some harassment of the shit heels going and some documentation. But don't feel like you did anything. Because they won't.

I’m certainly not trying to argue and I definitely understand your point of view. my kids, for example had seven DCFS cases and seven states by the time they were three years old Utah was the first state to remove the kids upon visit. I’m not suggesting anyone abuse or harass people in that manner either. But I do think that some of the people in that system genuinely care about kids welfare. And the only point I’m trying to make is that if there’s kids involved in domestic violence situation that would be my priority. They don’t have a choice they don’t have options.


Well-Known Member
I can't say whether or not there is abuse towards the kids, just that there are young girls that live there. I have seen an infant there as of late also. Witnessing the abuse against the woman is trauma enough, in my opinion.


Smooth Gang Founding Member
I don't want to make it sound like I'm writing off the adult woman cause I'm not but you just can't talk them into accepting help/telling the cops what is happening.

With kids though, I would do anything I could to help them. That's rough and makes me sad.


Well-Known Member
I talked with a couple neighbors today, and one of them is going to see if their camera picked up anything. I still need to talk to one more before I go to the landlord.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
Do what is right. Let the consequence follow.

Be the advocate of good. Stand up for the weak. Evil wins when good men do nothing.
Setup some obvious and hidden cameras.
Train, prepare and be vigilant.
These things will just perpetuate if not stopped. Maybe the dv escalates to something real bad and someone gets really hurt or worse. At a minimum those girls are not going to understand what a healthy relationship looks like and will likely fall into a similar cycle in their adult life.

I'm in the camp of taking that mf down. He's absolutely a cowardly piece of shit and doesn't deserve to get away with it. I don't care if the wife is non cooperative. If the children witness the dv or are close enough to reasonably hear it then in Utah that's considered child abuse. If you file an anonymous report with dcfs, they'll likely pull the kids out of school to interview them. It at least starts a paper trail that might be able to help her or the kids in the future when maybe she's more cooperative.


Well-Known Member
If I don't actually know them or their names, does an address work well enough?

Edit: I guess I can ask the landlord for their info.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I don't think the cops were able to gain any info. I'm not even sure who they talked to is even on the lease.


Well-Known Member
I made a call to DCFS, and they said that I don't have enough info for them to start a case. They are going to contact the PD to see if they have additional input on the matter. I guess now I just keep an eye out and document anything else that happens.