what would you do?


I'm looking for advice as to what can be done to get a neighbor to clean up his property. Before you start typing away here is the hardest part of the situation. Noone lives there, they abadonned their home at least 4 years ago. Calling them packrats is an understatement. They litterally had trails through out the home. Their home is paid for and I think the simply moved out to start over. Myself as well as the neighbors have made complaints to t-ville city and he has been cited for weeds twice, the second time he tilled the entire property dug trenches for a sprinkler system laid the pipe and left it, didn't even backfill, that was 2 years ago :mad2: now its dirt weeds and trenches. The hole place is littered with crap including an old POS ramcharger that hasn't moved in 10 years. The only time we see anyone over there is after a citation or to use the county clean up dumpsters once a year, except today my wife saw someone over there with the sheriffs dept. then earlier this evening his son-in-law came hauling ass down the street threw a bunch of stuff in his truck and hauled ass out of there. Because of his speed I yelled at him to slow down as he passed because my kids were outside playing but he didn't have the balls to stop and back up his mouth, he said a few choice words out the window. :mad2:

Thank you for reading this long rant and please give me any advice as to what could be done. :)


North Ogden, UT
Personally, I condone arson.

If you choose to indulge yourself, I promise not to tell. Really!!!


Suddenly Enthusiastic
Well, if the sheriff was there today, and then someone hauled ass over there to getr their crap out, it sounds like maybe they didn't pay their taxes on it, and the county is going to auction the place off. Hopefully someone will get a great deal on a house, and it'll get fixed up (and probably re-sold). If a sticker shows up on the door, read the details, buy the house, and resell it for a profit. :)

If that's not the case, then go the arson route. Listen to the MC Nine Hundred Foot Jesuss song, "The City Sleeps", to get yourself pumped up for it.
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Well-Known Member
RockMonkey said:
If that's not the case, then go the arson route. Listen to the MC Nine Hundred Foot Jesuss song, "The City Sleeps", to get yourself pumped up for it.
Thanks I've been trying to figure out that title for awhile, downloaded! Call the city a report every day. Talk to the code enforcement officer. Get your neighbors to do the same thing. Say things like fire hazard, bio hazard, mooching bum hazard. Better yet put a sign that says free rent! :eek:


here is a copy of the letter I just received from tville :D


Than you for your inquiry and concern. The City is in the process of taking care of this property. The owners have a deadline of Nov. 1 to have the property cleaned up, including removing the junk vehicle. Also, they are supposed to have their front yard landscaping in "good" condition by the deadline. If they fail to do any of the above, we will file a criminal action against the property owners.

We have also filed a criminal action against the property to the north of this one for lack of maintenance.

If you have any questions, please contact me.


Nick Norris
City Planner
City of Taylorsville


JeepinJoe said:
Not you, right? :greg:
:rofl: No that property is a guy about 25 years old and lives with his mother that hardly comes out of her house. The guy is completly physically able to care for the lawn but chooses not to :mad2:


Who Dat? Who Der?
Hyrum UT
Geese, Now I feel bad for bitching about the neighbors that complain about my CJ being parked in the back.....