What's on your Bucket List?

Not in order:

Compete at End of trails (cowboy action world championship)
Ride a Factory supercross bike
Have my kids hold me in the same regard that I hold my dad
be debt free at some point
Retire at some point
Do a multi day adventure ride with my dad before he isn't able to.
Ride the length of Utah (north to south) on singletrack
Make at least one trip to Moab every year
Ride Washugal
Live to see Cystic Fibrosis and diabetes cured.
Die married to the same woman I am married to now and before all of my kids.
I've been fortunate to have some pretty neat opportunities in my life thusfar, that said I'm one to reach for the stars in terms of my goals:

Race/finish the Baja 1000 (attempt #1 is in 4 months)
Race in the Dakar
Trans-Australia trip
Trans-Africa trip
Road of Bones
Utah Traverse and Converse via 2-wheels
Own house
Own commercial shop property
Continued and expanded business ventures
Alaska Cruiser Trek
Mongrol Rally
Finish exploring Utah
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Be happy with what I have. This is the hardest thing on my list.
Stay out of debt other than my mortgage, and focus on paying off the mortgage.
Have my kids look up to me the way I looked up to my dad.
Give my wife the life she deserves.
Build a buggy with my own hands, not a shop, with cash not card.
Explore Utah and see all the awesomeness that so many of you already know. (I'm from Florida)
Get in a fight and not be scared, even if it's Anderson Silva, and win. (I've never been in a fight)
Be happy when it's all over and not worry if I'm going to the right place.
My list never ends...but here is a top-o-the-head list

Get a pilots license
Punch Justin Bieber in the face
Learn Spanish
Climb Kilimanjaro
Spend months in Europe touring old breweries
Drive in the Baja 1000...preferably in a trophy truck
Own a waterslide (like a legit one)
finish a half ironman triathlon
provide soap to hippies
swim in the Devil's Cauldron on Victoria Falls
Do something that will be in future history books
Drive the Alcan on motorcycles
Drive to Ushaia
Eliminate baseball from Sportscenter
Go to a Beastie Boy show ( :( )
Go to Scotland and see the region where my ancestors were conquered so many times...then pick a fight with someone that looks like they might be from one of those other clans. Try to win.

Really, my list begins with everything I've never done
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It's not a faux hawk, it's real. It's cut that way not just "a ill longer in the middle"

If it's not shaved on the sides, it's faux. :p


My list:

Drive in a big desert race (Like the Mint, Parker, or the like) in a fast (class1 or trophy) vehicle, and finish the race.
Finish my stupid Willys that I bought 14 years ago and drive it for the first time.
Meet a girl that's not bats#it insane and do the family thing.
Build my dream home.
Make a lot of money for myself instead of for other people.
Travel Europe again, but as an adult so I can actually appreciate it this time.
2 chicks at the same time. Don't BS me, it's on your list too!
Retire. Not sure how well that one is gonna work out for my generation though.
Bicycle Hy 101 in Oregon exploring all the nooks and crannies of the coastline.
Get to Alaska before I croak.
Learn new wildflowers and birds everywhere I wander.
Explore the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts in spring bloom.
Revisit the Nebraska Sandhills prairie in full summer bloom viewing the grasses and wildflowers.
See Vermont and New Hampshire in the fall colors.
Visit Iceland.
Visit France and explore the WW1 battlefields and memorials.
See the Alps.
Climb Notch Peak again with my wife.
Learn to be as nice, as loving, as kind as my wife is.
Continue to read great new novels and histories plus finally read some of the Classics.
Chase tornadoes with a storm chaser crew.
Take a cruise on Lake Powell.
View the spring Sandhill Crane migration along the Platte River in Nebraska.
Hike and drive thru the Scottish Highlands.
Wheel in Mongolia.
Drive the Blue Ridge Parkway.
Visit Gettysburg.
I'm glad you bumped this back to the top Stratton. I've actually completed a lot more than I thought I would, and the list keeps changing.

From 6 years ago:
I've checked a lot of stuff off my bucket list the last few years, but here's what's left:

4x4 trips:
- the Rubicon (this September!)
- Comb Wash

- Ride as a passenger on Pritchett
- complete the Kokopelli Trail
- take the Pony Express Trail to Wendover

Other outdoorsy stuff
- hike calf creek falls
- complete the subway

- complete the narrows
- hike angels landing
- do at least 10 more slot canyons
- hike bluejohn canyon again
- visit Yellowstone
- go on a multi-day river kayak camping trip
- camp in Montana

- ride 5moh
- ride every inch of rideable trail up AF Canyon
- camp/explore in the La Sal mtn range
- learn survival skills better
- learn to flyfish like a pro. (part of this includes getting over my fear of touching live fish)

- have children
- learn to save money better
- be a better husband (copied from gravesdiggerxj's list)
- make lots of great memories with my family
- learn to be a better photographer/videographer to capture these memories
- learn to enjoy fully what I have (copied from gravesdiggerxj's list, this one is difficult for me)

- finish my PhD someday (no longer on the list)
- take the wife skydiving
- learn another language (or 2 or 3???)

Things I'd like to add to the list

- bikepack in 2 new countries
- transition my current job to one that centers around mountain biking (working on it)
- visit Alaska
- travel internationally
- visit every state
- multi-day paddle trip in the boundary waters
- visit the UP
- keep meeting new people all over the US.
Great thing to think about.

Reading others comments, I like seeing a lot of what I guess I would call "higher purpose" goals- not just seeking thrills. That is inspiring to me.

I guess one of my top items is well on its way- my kids out of the house, being responsible adults (all three in universities, two returned missionaries with the other one planning on going next summer.) Of course, the big reminder is that there is no 'end' to the bucket list of hoping I do my part to help them turn out well. Won't know that for sure for another 50 years or so.

One of my other big bucket list items is serving a mission with my wife.

From the more "fun" bucket list, would include:

Africa (again!)
Summer trip to Churchill, MB (my winter trips miss the bears and belugas)
Skydiving (this fall to celebrate 50th? )

Otherwise, I have to say I have been very blessed so far and I can't say there are a lot of things I feel are missing.