Where The Wild Things Are


shameless posing...
Bountiful UT
Anyone got plans to see it? Just saw a comment on another 4xforum that someone had seen the pre-screening and mentioned it was "a little dark" and they wouldn't recommend it to little ones. Anxious to hear more about it, but won't be able to see it this weekend.

I Lean

Mbryson's hairdresser
I usually just wait for the DVD's on most of these, but this is one I've considered seeing in a theater. Waiting to hear the reviews.......


Formerly Beardy McGee
My sis and BIL are taking their 2&3 y/o boys.. The boys are overly excited for it since they rarely get to go to the theater.. And, they love the book..

I'll let you know their impressions..


Well-Known Member
Roy, UT
ill be taking my 8 year old daughter this sat. afternoon , ill let you know what i think on mon.


shameless posing...
Bountiful UT
My sis and BIL are taking their 2&3 y/o boys.. The boys are overly excited for it since they rarely get to go to the theater.. And, they love the book..

I'll let you know their impressions..

Awesome. My daughter is 3 so I'm excited for your feedback on their experience.


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
Well, I went and saw it.

It's a little dark! Kind of a depressing tone, overall. The ending did not please me, in that a movie like this, which tons of little kids are going to see, should have a happier ending than it did. It wasn't awful, I just thought the whole movie was a little cerebral for the audience. Just didn't care for the direction they went in with it, of the several they COULD have gone in.

I'll give it a favorable "meh".
One of my childhood buddy's older brother is actually the director... I guess they made it and the whole screen play in partnership with Maurice Sindak (I hope I spelled that right) sort of the way the book was 'meant' to be which is supposedly scary... I guess it's supposed to be along the lines of if you're bad then this is your world.. A little odd... I've seen and heard reviews all over the place, which I think means its probably not so good generally or sort of along the lines of that last Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, which was "weird.."


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
Huh. I met that guy when I was like, 12 or 13. He used to be a Freestylin' Magazine freelancer LOL
I have Maurice Sendak's home phone number. I should call, and see if he'll tell me what's up with this movie. Hmm.
Good stuff Tacoma, that's awesome.. And how the hell did you get that? Yup Spike, went to BMX to skating to directing music vids to real directing...

His little brother (my buddy Sam) played at Gallivan earlier this year.. I was the 'particularly tall' alien on the stage :)


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
I know people. LOL no, really, in this case-- a painter I know gave me a list of "useful phone numbers maybe you can use". Never called it though. He knew Norman Rockwell! I would have liked to meet him, of course, I'm a wee bit too young for that to have been possible hahahah.

I like Mr. Jonze's videos... but this movie took kind of a strange approach for a kids' movie, IMO. I don't really know if I can even count that as criticism....


shameless posing...
Bountiful UT
Well, I went and saw it.

It's a little dark! Kind of a depressing tone, overall. The ending did not please me, in that a movie like this, which tons of little kids are going to see, should have a happier ending than it did. It wasn't awful, I just thought the whole movie was a little cerebral for the audience. Just didn't care for the direction they went in with it, of the several they COULD have gone in.

I'll give it a favorable "meh".

Thanks for the review. My wife and I still plan on seeing it eventually, but I don't think we'll take the 3 yr old along. She's more into bright, happy stuff. :D