Which Tire Deflator to get?


Active Member
I've used both the Oasis and the Staun. I liked the Stauns a LOT better. They keep their setting longer, don't require as frequent of cleaning, and are easier to "pre-start" if your existing pressure is close to your target pressure. Smittybuilt has a knock off of the Stauns, they look the same, but I can't vouch if they work the same.

I keep two of mine at 20 psi and two at 15 psi (they are labeled with a piece of duct tape and a sharpie). If I have to go lower, I just adjust them a few turns as they are starting to deflate. I've used them enough that I'm pretty comfortable with where they will end up based on the number of extra turns. Then I always adjust it back the same number of turns when I'm done so that I know they are back to 20 or 15. The 5psi spread is also enough that I can put all 4 on, then when they stop, I put the 15s where the 20s were and there is enough pressure differential that they don't need pre-started.

They aren't the fastest, but they are fast enough. They allow me to take off my swaybar links, or prep something else, or chat while they hiss away. I've never had to sit and wait for the deflators to finish their job, they always end up waiting for me to finish doing whatever else I have going on.


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
I use an old tire pump snap on connector from a Coleman inflater and do one tire at a time. Actually pretty fast and cheap. All you have to do is find an old inflater that has gone bad. Tried to attach photo but would not download.
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Take your Rig to the Edge
i have never striped a valve or valve stem nor lost a valve core but ive always used the core tool i think its the cheapest option but the arb or currie defaltors are sweet too


I luv Pritchett
I use these "Rimrock RADs" and love them. They replace your original valve stems. Just remove the cap and twist the knob, exposing the little holes around the base of the stem. It lets the air out faster than removing the valve core, and you don't have to worry about losing cores.
