Who's going to King Of The Hammers 2019?


Well-Known Member
Highland Springs
Anyone from Northern UT going to KOH? I'm scoring a pair of Deaver Jeepspeed leaf springs and can get them to Hammertown, so I'm looking for a fellow wheeler who is willing to bring them back to UT.

Rock Taco

Well-Known Member
Anyone from Northern UT going to KOH? I'm scoring a pair of Deaver Jeepspeed leaf springs and can get them to Hammertown, so I'm looking for a fellow wheeler who is willing to bring them back to UT.

I'm headed down on the 3rd and back on the 7th or 8th.


Purple Burglar Alarm
I'll be down there dodging helicopters and beer cans with the HeavyMetalConcepts crew. We will NOT be staying on the lakebed (thank odin) but will be staying in an Airb&b. We might have an extra room for the week so hit me up for deets.