Why does RME have a negative reputation?


Balls to the Walls
Salt Lake
If you do something stupid (like sbr starting two almost identical for sale threads) and then complain about something related you should expect to get jumped about it

Thats true, I was just using this situation as an example.

I think RME is fine the way it is, its just enough Pirate to have fun but not so much that it turns into Pirate. Just throwing out an idea.


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
This might be part of it. SBR posted and Herzog listened, Sami jumped on his case and then Tacoma jumped on his case...

Everyones trying to be better than everyone else, but its all wheelin in the end.

I"m not trying to jump on anyone's case. I just haven't seen anything on the sale boards that I would characterize as a problem big enough to think less of RME over. I'm not SBR, though. Maybe he had a lot of problems with that, and I havent' been here forever.
I'm not picking on anyone, but this site is large enough that not everyone's going to be happy all the time. Should be water under the bridge 99% of the time. It's not Pirate, and that's a good thing. It's not over-modded so no one can disagree, either, which is also a good thing. Then again, I like confrontation, like scrubbing the dead skin off a burn, it helps, in my opinion. :)

you're right though, we're all here for a common reason, and there's no reason to get too worked up.


Formerly Beardy McGee
damn <-----****

wow... my home teachers just walked in and saw the filthy language spewing from Brett's keyboard... filth, filthy, filth.... freakin Brett...



PS... i dont think i have home teachers... can someone make a phone call?:p