Why isn't Land Use front and center?


Active Member
I'm guilty too, I dont look into the Land Use section enough. I almost always overlook it.
Right now it looks like we're not doing our part to save Johnson Valley.
I think we should make the land use section front and center.
Take a minute follow the links in the Land Use sections and type a quick letter to help our friends out there.
"We must hang together, or we will all just hangout on porches talking about the good ol' days when people could go wheelin'."


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
The sad truth is that if you would have posted this thread in the Land Use section, most people would not look at it. By the time most wheelers realize how important it is to be involved, it will be to late.


Active Member
Yeah Kurt, I think you're right, but if we all got involved instead of ten percent of us, I dont think we could be stopped. What's crazy is that pirate only has 10k letters in so far for JV, most of them come from guys that have sent 30-50 each. Thats a very small percentage of guys on that board. It would be amazing if everyone got off their lazy asses and pitch in, they would have over 100,000 easily.
I wonder how feasible it would be to do a group buy of land like BFE for say, something like Moab Proving Grounds. It would be cool if we could create some escrow type account for a group purchase of land, donations seem to end up spent without results alot of the time. Maybe the only solutions would be to start buying the land.


Active Member
Provo, UT
So I would say about 10% give a damn

50% only give a damn if it affects the area they personally use

the other 40% don't give a damn or are part of the problem


formerly dirk124
Orem, Utah
I think a lot of it is people that are unaware of what's happening. I know I just took it for granted for years until I noticed the land use section on this board, and read into it more. I think it should be located in a more obvious place.


Active Member
I think that too many people are under the false assumption that whatever needs done with respect to land use, is being done by somebody else. That there are so many people who "should" be concerned about X or Y, that certainly "somebody" must be taking care of it.

Many of those who know better than that: feel like it's a one man show and are either worn out, fed up, and/or feeling defeated for their efforts.

So XX% think that everybody else is doing something, and XX% think that nobody is doing anything. Both mindsets are counterproductive to the cause.

Pick some way that YOU think YOU can make a difference, and do it.


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
I think the following gives a good guideline for everyone, Thanks Kurt. If people will follow these guidelines they will automatically become involved.

Welcome on behalf of RME and the U4WDA.
Be sure to read all the instructions in "Introductions & using the Forum".

U4WDA believes the four wheeling community is best served by:
1. Education thru the use of classes, pamphlets, and films to teach responsible conservation.
2. Use Auto Dealerships and suppliers for the distribution of information.
3. Support Utah Counties in obtaining Quiet Claims to roads within their jurisdiction.
4. Stays informed and work closely with all Government Agencies and local law enforcement.
5. Where practical uses peer pressure to keep OHV use within the law.
6. Inform local agencies and law enforcement of illegal OHV use.

We promote the following: BRC/UFWDA: National legislation, action alerts, lobbying, etc
USA-All:- Local legislation, action alerts, lobbying, etc
U4WDA: On the ground actions. Service projects, education, club training, broadcasting the needs of Usa-All, UFWDA & BRC to its member clubs. Require clubs to be members of Usa-All, UFWDA & BRC, tie it into dues.
Member Clubs: Rides, education, hats, jackets, newsletters, raffles, etc. Require membership in U4WDA
Individuals: Join a club and promote responsible use amongst fellow travelers.
BRC:- National legislation, action alerts, lobbying, etc
Usa-All:- Local legislation, action alerts, lobbying, etc
U4WDA: On the ground actions. Service projects, education, club training, broadcasting the needs of Usa-All & BRC to its member clubs. Require clubs to be members of Usa-All & BRC, tie it into dues.
Member Clubs: Rides, education, hats, jackets, newsletters, raffles, etc. Require membership in U4WDA
Individuals: Join a club and promote responsible use amongst fellow travelers.




Active Member
Imagine what would happen if we spent half as much energy on land use as we do on our rigs. Maybe that should be the future of our sport, pictures bragging about what we opened or preserved rather than pictures bragging about our rigs.
Instead of rallies where we look like a bunch of unintelligent rednecks, we should show up to government buildings in suits and ties (ugh) so we can look respectable by the media. I dont think a rally driving a bunch of OHV's up state street does the trick. We just strengthen their(environazis) point when we look like a bunch of beer guzzling hillbillies.
(not sayin being hillbilly is wrong, just showing it off isn't the most effective route with the onlookers)
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rock star
Fruita, Co
I agree with much that has been said here already. But there is much more that comes into play. Politics being the number one factor. Closely followed by bureaucrats. I have filled out paperwork for the last several years for the BLM, and sometimes the policies have changed and the paperwork I filled out is thrown out, and we start the process again. The people who work there have no concept of time. If a project takes three years, they have got a job for three years. If it takes 5.... more job for them.
They get paid to go to meetings, and write letters, and we have to do it on our own time. Our land managers are no longer on our side, or even neutral. They are anti land use, because they can manage a gate much easier than managing land.

Am I saying, "stop writing letters"? No. We have to do more now than ever. One reason is it is harder than ever to keep land open. More is being taken away now than ever. Not just land use but individual rights, as well. Hang in there and write those letters, read up on what is being threatened. If you can't keep track of what is going on nationally, try closer to home, or just in the area you use the most.
Try this site to stay on top of some of the issues....
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