Winter motorcycle project; DR650

I geared up and rode out to Rabbit Valley for the first real test of the RMZ forks. I was excited, but not totally sure what to expect.

Once in Rabbit Valley, I hopped onto the ATV track, which has several jumps and water bars, along the way. I didn't take it easy and had the piggy DR650 off the ground several times... the RMZ forks soaked up all the hits with complete CONFIDENCE! They felt so much better than the factory DR forks! The big DR almost felt like a motocross bike! I had to remind myself not to get too crazy, but continued to push the bike harder on the jumps, washes and ledges.

I need to get some pic/videos of this massive bike getting airborne... :greg:

I'm very happy with the end result, I hit one real deep wash pretty hard, thinking I'd bottom out the forks and... nope! The rear suspension bottomed out, but it's within my expectations.

Eventually I rode part of the Kokopelli trail that is very rocky and tested out the RMZ forks there. Again, they handled it well! Here's a few pics from the ride.... loving the DR with the new front end!




Good to hear the forks worked out for ya! :cool:

I was hiking around the swell this weekend and kept thinking how bad I want an a big bore enduro!!! :drool: Good times.
Greg - I was wondering when you'd finally get that beast put back together. Huge congrats on the RMZ fork project - I'm glad to see you got the results you were looking for! I have to admit though... I'm a little worried that I won't keep up now. Looks like I'll need some more practice.

Have you considered just honing the cylinder and tossing in some new rings? You'd be in it a few hours and very little money. It could very well buy you another year or two on your current piston/cylinder.
