Withdraw the Proposed Seasonal Burn Ban (R307-302)

But by not letting regular folks use a charcoal barbeque or smoker? That is the dumbest thing I've heard in a long time. Why not start with the major polluters? Oh yeah that's because the big polluters line the pockets of these politicians so the regular Joe gets screwed again.
Soooo we should shut down the mines and power plants? Seems like a conundrum to me.

We should, actually. We need to get off fossil fuels. I think we should be on nuclear power and converting the majority of our on-road fleet to electric or hydrogen.
I live in Tooele so this ban doesnt directly affect me, but I would burn anyways and then deny it when they gave me a ticket

Grinding puts a lot of crap in the air maybe we should ban that... everybody hates grinding.

oh yeah ban structure fires too, those are no good

and cremation! ban that too, think of all the dead burning face skin cells your breathing in.
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I'd love to see some actual data to support this claim - not just estimates from a worthless government agency that had can't tell its ass from a hole in the ground..

Is that a gopher hole... or.......oh nope thats my ass!

I am pretty sure I heard that exact conversation
Here is an interesting article on wood smoke with cited articles about the studies done. I don't care what the families against woods make say. I will read a well cited article though. You can ignore the EPA portion of the article and skip to the references and get some decent stuff. Some of it was studied in the 70s when people were trying to claim that cigarette smoke doesnt need to be banned in public places though so take them for what they are worth :-)

I wonder what the difference in air pollution is between a big square foot home with central air and 70 degree set thermostat(in winter), versus a small square foot home with a swamp cooler and a wood burning stove. I would imagine building and heating and supplying energy to that starter mansion is way more environmentally wasteful than my small house that has been standing since 1929 and uses FAR less energy than the big house. All that coal burned to light that big house dumps into the air. It just does it somewhere else so we don't care about it :-)

If we really want to fix the pollution issues we need to ban population growth, multiple cars, and big houses. That will never happen because people have a serious need to show how much money they have. Only poor people burn wood :-)

All things considered, wood smoke is bad for your health, really bad. I don't think the number of homes burning wood as a primary form of heat is large enough to warrant the ban on burning.
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I laughed my ass off a couple weeks ago when on the radio they told davis county residents when the big wind storm came through not to use their gas ovens to heat a home if the power went out. They still recommended not using a wood fireplace. They said to go to a relatives house that still have power! Gimme a break, I'm still planning on getting a wood fireplace for emergencies. I'll just burn at night! or say its steam from my sauna!
I think burning wood is silly and the reports of it being bad for your health seem logical to me. That being said, I hate when freedoms are taken away so I'm in the middle on this one. I would hope that people would take the no-burn days seriously but I don't think they do.

My toddler has some type of asthma so I'm not looking forward to seeing how this inversion affects him.
well, the inversion has finally engulfed Layton.

The only reason I want a wood stove is to heat my garage and for emergencies.

Still have to pull a $100 permit to install the damn thing though. don't know if its worth it.

I work from home, so I'm not commuting and causing all the damn smog. You're welcome for my sacrifice. lol