Wolves in Utah

I want one as a pet now. :eek:

My best friend bought a wolf pup a couple of years ago from a breeder down in Spanish Fork. I believe it was a Grey Wolf mixed with a Husky. Anyway the pup grew up to be very docile and well tempered but not well behaved.

It can be done but I would advise against it.
I saw someone walking a wolf on a leash in Co Springs. The thing was huge but very old and pathetic. It was wearing boots because he dragged the tops of his paws on the pavement as it walked. If an animal can't lift it's paws off the ground to walk anymore, it's time to think about putting it down I believe.
My Wife's parents had a 1/2 wolf when we were dating and first married. He was actually a pretty good pet, all things considered, although kind of spooky at times too. He'd show just enough wild once in awhile to keep you wondering. Didn't get along well with other animals AT ALL, except for some reason my Rottweiler, they were best buds. It really was strange because that wolf had either killed or tried to kill just about any other dog it had come in contact with before that. But those two got along famously. He was really weird around little kids too, would always move as far away from them as he could and never wanted anything at all to do with them. If one of the small grandkids started towards him he would move along the wall to the opposite side of room. Weird... He just up and died suddenly one day, still a mystery what killed him.

A guy that lives about a mile from our place in Nevada used to raise full blooded wolves. Never did find out if he had any reason or purpose for raising them. But he had about a dozen of them in a giant enclosure. It was kind of neat to sit out on our deck in the evenings and listen to them howl. As I understand it, he had raised them all from birth and been in daily contact with them their whole lives. But, one day he went in the enclosure to feed them and they tore the SHIT out of him. A miracle he survived, as a rare visitor just happened to arrive in the midst of the attack and was able to help him escape.

there is good resone our ken killed them all thay will spred like fire its sad we will get to see that

People spread like wildfire, kill indiscriminately and in general cause damage to the world on a daily basis.. I wonder if the wolves should just kill the people instead...
We had a Wolf/German Shepherd named Buffy St. Marie Von Ferstenburg the third that was a great yard dog except she pooped in tons. When we were out in the desert four wheeling we had to keep her tied up at night because she would take off for somewhere. We found her three miles down the road one time and it looked like she was heading back home. When I was working on the Scout in the driveway she would lay inside the garage with her nose at the crack of the cement floor because she knew she was not allowed out of the garage or back yard. Sometimes she would test me and put her nose across the crack and I would say 'Buffy" and she would pull her nose back. Great dog around kids, other dogs and strangers but she stayed away from babies.
I had the opportunity to eat dinner with a government trapper recently and he confirmed the presence of the wolves is Sheep Creek and pretty much the entire state. He also told me of an unconfirmed sighting of a wolf by a Peruvian sheep herder in the Dead Horse Point area.

There is also a plan by Arizona right now to re-introduce mexican wolves into norhtern Arizona. I am sure those will not cross the border into Utah:ugh:
Davy and I were up elk hunting on the face of Timp last weekend above PG, and we saw some dog-ish tracks that looked WAY too big to be a coyote. Like the size of my balled up fist w/ claws. Could they have been wolf prints?
I wouldn't bet against the very likely possibility that they were. According the the government trapper I was talking to, there are a lot more wolves in Utah and spread out a lot further than most people want to admit.
Davy and I were up elk hunting on the face of Timp last weekend above PG, and we saw some dog-ish tracks that looked WAY too big to be a coyote. Like the size of my balled up fist w/ claws. Could they have been wolf prints?

Those paw prints were WAY to big to be a coyote. The more I think about those the more I am sure that it was a wolf. I believe we saw wolf, cougar, and coyote tracks.