Word of safety


Who Dat? Who Der?
Hyrum UT
So I start fabbing my new front bumper and winch plate for my XJ. About 3 welds into it my Starlight Auto Dimmer quits working. I head to Harbor Freight to warrenty. When I get there they tell me it will be 2-3 weeks to replace the specific one I baught. So being the highly intelligent one that I am, I buy a 4$ set of torching goggles to get me by so I can still work on the XJ.

This was bad idea #1.

Next bad idea began with using the goggles and a bandana (to cover bald head) and begin where I left off. Bandana's by the way are very very flammable as I found out. They also have tendancy to stay lit no matter how hard you beat your own head with a glove and run around screaming in the driveway. Even though the neighbors got a good laugh as I was rolling around in the snow trying to put the ole head out.

There went bad idea #2

As my day continued (wasnt smart enough or sober enough to quit while I was ahead) I went back to welding. As I discovered later in the day and a few more beers down the road, you start to lose your heat sensing abilities. Beleive it or not the glare from a weld is brighter (duh) and hotter (duh duh) then the damn sun. It will burn your skin and face without remorse.

Thats really bad idea #3.

What I learned today? Dotn weld without the proper safety equipment no matter how good you think you are. Dont wear flammable melty clothes when welding. And by no means only wear goggles when a helmet is needed.

If you avoid these simple thaughts you can come over and lay around with me rubbing aloe on your 2nd degree burns on face and head. My face is currently in the peeling/pinkish stage and is very very uncomfortable.


Just Hanging Out
Holly Day
Badcop said:
They also have tendancy to stay lit no matter how hard you beat your own head with a glove and run around screaming in the driveway.
Bahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Where's MOAB?
Layton, UT
I was over at Badcop's place today....FACE looks great. And I can say he kept the helmet on all day today, No questions asked...hahaha


Registered User
:eek: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I think most of us here could share a few stories :ugh: about lessons learned the hard way! Thanks for sharing, be glad there wasn't any hair under that bandana!


Well-Known Member
I ahve had SERIOUS burns on my arms before from welding all day...that would suck to have all over your face :rofl: what hurts worse is having huge globs of molten aluminum drop onto your head :eek: aluminum would burn through my leathers and into my arms and keep burning...its a SOB!!!


Who Dat? Who Der?
Hyrum UT
I would love to take a pic, but Ill ve dammed if I cant find my camera (wink wink). Face is looking better today than it has in the last couple days. Still hurts to smile or open the mouth wide enough to eat a burger.

I think it wouldnt have been so bad but the area around the nose and lips is definatly the most tender.


Random Dead Guy
Sandy Utah
This is worth one of my true classics.
A few years ago, my wife was out of town on business, so each night was usually filled with Beer, debachery, video games and cheap take out food.
Beer and cheap take out make for some eye watering morning dumps, and that is exactly how this story begins.
I took the dump, and developed the dump delusion that it didn't stink. I retreived a towel for the morning shower, and upon returning to the bathroom, I was overpowered by the stench.
I retreived one of my wife's cinnamon scented candles, and lit it up to kill the smell.
Shower and shave went well, as did getting dressed for work.
At the time, I thought I was going to grow some hippy hair again, and it was not quite long enough to get into a pony tail, so I had to use a ton of gell and hair spray to keep the hair from annoying me.
I accomplished this, and proceded to brush my teeth.
I wet the toothbrush, and reached for the paste, causing me to drop the brush.
Remember the candle? Still burning on the edge of the counter, right above the toothbrush on the floor.
I bent down to get the brush, and stood up to see the left side of my head on fire in the mirror.

The first thing I thought of was sticking my head in the toilet to put out the flames. I actually started moving toward it, somehow I instinctively grabbed the wet towell from the shower and outed the fire with that.

So I survey the damage, and find pink skin and stubble over most of the left side of my head. So olut come the clippers, and back into the shower I go to bick the noggin, and wash the itchies off.
So insult to injury, when I finish the shower, I find the only towel in the batroom bunched up in the corner with a wad of burnt hair in it.


Random Dead Guy
Sandy Utah
actionjackson said:
no no no... burnING.
good six inch flames coming off, blue and orange. I wish I'd got it on film. I'd be a millionaire or something. I was so pissed when it happened...
Thne when I opened the shower curtain and saw the towel in the corner with the wad of burnt hair I started laghing. I laughed so hard I cried and hurt.