Work screw ups...


I run a tight ship... wreck
Its unwise for me to share this stuff on FB, but I don't think I'd get in trouble posting this here.

This wasn't me, but I have done this a handful of times. This machine weighs almost 50,000#'s... took us about 30 min to get back on the track, using the plow and wings to move back on the rails.


Anyone else have a work screw up your willing to share?
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El Destructo!
I wish I had some pictures of the things I saw in the oilfield.

Nowadays there is nothing to take pictures of, the shareholders just loose millions of dollars when people screw up bigtime


I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
I dropped a 6,000lb tree trunk on my trailer a few years ago. I don’t have any good photos.. but it flattened the side rails, bent the frame, smashed the fenders against the tires, etc. we had to cut the trailer apart with a grinder to get it to move. It sucked.


Not my screw-up but I was inspecting some stucco today from a back deck when it suddenly collapsed out from under me. It only fell about 3' to the ground but not being ready for it, it jolted me pretty good and my back is suffering. It was never lagged to the wall. Only tacked on with a few nails. That's why you usually shouldn't hire the lowest bidder. Haha


Registered User
Salt Lake City
Mine few were quite a long time ago... shortly after college. I worked for an office supply co. One time i was loweringl a bookcase to be loaded into the truck and took 1 too many steps backwards and fell right off the dock. Luckily i wasn't hurt too bad. Tweaked some joints and had a good bump in my head. A mother one was delivering in the 16' box truck and not noticing the overhang on the building ang causing a few $$$ in damage to truck and building.

Funny, I've was recently reminded about the dock one by RME. Listening to Stratton(I think) at NPLD taking about riding Rattlesnake on a moto and going down the ledges and something like "falling off a loading dock"


By endurance we conquer
This happened my first year of teaching.

We were doing skits that day in class as an extension to wrap up a unit. I wrote SKIT on the board in 2 foot tall letters. The students came in and we started the day. As I talked about what we were doing that day the kids kept giggling. I couldn’t figure out what was so funny. Finally I got a little upset and ask what was so hilarious. They pointed at the board. I forgot to put the top of the K on so there was an h instead of a k....

We laughed pretty hard for a coupe minutes. I left it that way for each period so each class could laugh at me.



Jeepless in Draper
Supporting Member
Draper, UT
While in high school I worked in a Western Auto warehouse. 1.2 million sq ft of rows of pallet racks. Once I heard a crash. A forklift driver knocked a leg out from under one of the racks which caused a chain reaction and the whole row collapsed. It fell toward the lift and took out another two rows of racks but the domino chain was stopped by a wall. I ran to the noise, rounded the corner and was met by a 1" high tsunami of motor oil. In all, I think it was close to 120 pallets that hit the floor from up to 20' in the air. This was my last day before I went off to college, but I had friends tell me they had 20 people working on the cleanup for over a week.


Jeepless in Draper
Supporting Member
Draper, UT
That job was so much fun. The warehouse was big enough that they had a rail spur the came into the building. Here's a fun job for you. Unloading boxcars packed full of tires after said boxcar has been sitting on a railroad siding in the Texas sun on a 100* day....


Running Behind
Eagle Mountain
I'll have to find the pics in my iCloud of one of our enddumps tipped over. Not by me, but a fellow truck driver at my last company, which, was also the same company that had that runaway-truck in park city two weeks ago; if you guys heard about that. I was told I wasn't allowed to share the pics of the tipped end dump on IG. But here's some others. (None by me, directly, but coworkers :D)


The water truck drove over a stormdrain inlet box that only had plywood for a lid.

The dump truck driver pulled forward hard with his bed all the way up and separated the ram.

The paver had a hydraulic line that spring a pinhole-leak that sprayed a jet of hydraulic oil at the screed burners, which resulted in about a 15' flame above the paver (didn't get pics of the flame) as it burnt up.

And the excavator tracked too far forward over the trench, and the materials weren't enough to support the weight of the machine as it had the boom really far out trying to gravel a stick of sewer pipe. When the trench walls collapsed, and the cab contacted the ground, a chunk of asphalt pushed on the track-controlling sticks and caused the excavator tracks to begin to rotate which tried to push the excavator further into the trench until the trackhoe was finally shut off. It had like 19 hours on it.
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Running Behind
Eagle Mountain
Those are awesome, Chance! Always better when it's not your screw up! X-D

I've had my share, not really any major that I can think of. I've flipped over a bobcat while trying to show off, flipped it right back over and let it sit for a few minutes and it was fine. Gotten graders stuck plenty of times, ran over things, hit phone lines etc.

* Oh, I did run into the gate at the yard with my truck while I was... distracted... by a female coworker :rofl: It was open when I got into the truck, then started pulling forwards as I was looking to the side, instead of out the windshield. The automatic/electric gate had started closing and I didn't notice. Completely destroyed the gate, put a decent dent in the fender of the work truck.
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Long Jeep Fan
Holladay, Utah
Many years back I had to move a very expensive rack full of video recording hardware between floors in our building. When I rolled the cart out of the elevator the front roller wheels came off the cart and the rather tall rack of equipment tipped forward enough to dump the monitor off the top shelf and busted it. It let out that nasty sucking sound that the old CRTs used to make.


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
18 months after becoming a cop I got on the motor squad. I somehow managed to pass through the UHP motor school and one of my first assignments was some after school speed enforcement on some neighborhood side streets that the kids were screaming down. My buddy and I scoped it out and found a good vantage point where I would bird dog the drivers as they approached then would call out speeds and car descriptions and he would stack up cars and start writing tickets. I parked my bike around the corner and spotted on foot while partially hidden by a tree. This seemed to be going pretty well and we got several cars and decided that we'd come back the next morning. Next morning we went to set up and found good spots at the other end of the road in question and I went to pull out my lidar to get going again. It wasn't there. No bueno.

Best I can come up with is that I left it in the crook of the tree that I was hiding behind the afternoon earlier and some kid now has a fancy toy they are hiding under their bed. I looked everywhere for it and the school cop for that high school called in all his snitches and it never came up. I thought I was going to get booted from the squad and get a couple days off without pay for the screw up. I ended up not getting a replacement for a few months and when the new one finally came in it went to the senior motor guy and I got his hand me down. I had to use radar while without the lidar which SUCKS in comparison. I ended up only getting a letter in my file for it which surprised me. This was in 2009 and the city didn't have any unallocated money. They had just slashed budgets and gutted everything that had been in the procurement process. The replacement cost only $2400 so compared to the equipment some of you have shared was pennies but for my department at that point in time it might as well have been $24,000.


Ant Anstead of Dirtbikes
Supporting Member
I had to tack something really quick at my shop. Was wearing basketball shorts. Lit my shorts on fire: turns out slapping a fire out on your lap hurts.

My partner was cleaning head gasket off an aluminum head with a razor blade when I left the shop at like 1am. Apparently he thought it was taking too long and brought out a wire wheel on an angle grinder and gouged up the head. About $1k to get the head fixed. Luckily it was his personal vehicle.
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