Work work work. Anyone else live to work?


Totally Awesome
I'm not a big boating fan. I haven't even attempted to go fishing. I'm a fly fisher, but i only like doing it up in the mountians. i guess i just don't know how to change what i like to do to match this place.

I'm just trying to save every penny and get out of here. i usually work 4-10hour days. and make it a 3 day weekend, even though there isn't much to do.

My brother and his family have been up in ND as well for over a year, he works hard and loves his days off taking the kids out on their fishing boat, he is even applying for a doe tag. He owned his own business for 8 years and doesn't miss it, he makes less money now but the benefits are good and he isn't married to the business.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be able to put up with it if I worked as much as some of you. I've been there and done that and told myself never again. I normally work 40ish hours and call it good. Sometimes it's a little less, sometimes a little more. However, that's not to say I'm not busy. Once I get done at work I go home and play dad and that's a full-time job by itself, but wouldn't give it up for anything. In a couple years once we have the house paid-off, we plan to both quit our jobs and go live on a beach somewhere, it'll be a rough life at that point :D


Tin Foil Hat Equipped
Don't look at me I get 4 weeks of vacation and only have 3 days of vacation left this year, (use it or loose it policy at work).

I don't have grand plans like Caleb of retiring and living on a beach somewhere, I plan to die in my cube and scar some poor sysadmin for life. ;)


Formerly black_ZJ
I'm not a big boating fan. I haven't even attempted to go fishing. I'm a fly fisher, but i only like doing it up in the mountians. i guess i just don't know how to change what i like to do to match this place.

I'm just trying to save every penny and get out of here. i usually work 4-10hour days. and make it a 3 day weekend, even though there isn't much to do.

It was an adjustment for him as well, we grew up in Maine and hardly used our boat because we were mostly on streams and rivers, but he is making the best of it up there and now enjoys catching pike and walleye. I personally prefer catching a 16 inch brook trout over just about anything else and enjoy the solitude fishing brings.


I hate Jeep trucks
Pleasant Grove
I LOVE MY JOB. It isn't the most interesting, it pays good but not enough to ever be wealthy, BUT. I make a decent living. My boss is great, the people I work with are pretty decent for the most part and I haven't missed a paycheck in 12 years. I get 3 days off one week and 4 the next (12 hour shifts rock). That coupled with the hours I work (modified swing shift) makes me kind of like an unemployed person. I get to drop my kids off at school every day and pick them up Wed-Fri. I have thought about different opportunities in the past when I had a crap boss but it is hard to give up this schedule. I would hate to work five 8 hour days a week. I am spoiled and I try to appreciate it as much as I can.

Rot Box

Diesel and Dust
Supporting Member
Smithfield Utah
Sounds like a lot of you guys are in a similar situation. Glad to hear I'm not the only one lol.

I just came back from a weekend dirtbiking trip through WY :cool: Good times---come back to work and get crucified by my peers for the bind I left everyone in. Canceling my Labor Day weekend plans to play a little catch up... yeah... That would be great.

I've been thinking about a change of scenery. Like I said I'm grateful to have a job and I love what I do but I'm thinking I'd be a lot happier working 12's for a company that isn't so big and top heavy. All those baby boomers are starting to retire and with that leaving behind a lot of opportunities in my line of work.

In the meantime I avoid the trip reports section lol.


Smooth Gang Founding Member
I'm working 4 12's one week and 3 the next. At least that's what I'm scheduled for lol.
Our drivers and frac techs work anywhere from 70-90 hours a week. I don't know how they do it.

Going from a government desk job to my new job was drastic to say the least. I worked M-F 8-5 for a decade. Now I'm taking calls and reading emails even when I'm not at work. It's awesome though.


I like traffic lights
Down Or'm
I feel like that all I do these days. I frame and build homes for a living. The plan was to have enough work to keep guys busy which would give me the chance to find more work and more guys. It has backfired on me. I can't find enough guys that can be trusted to do homes without me there. So I am there all day everyday, and a lot of Saturdays. It is my own company so I can take off when I want but it leaves me feeling like nothing is getting done and that I have to fix everything when I get back.

To stay sane I play with my boy when I get home, try and ride my bike when I can, look for new hobbies I won't have time for, and enjoy every minute with my family. I also look for more employees and work when I'm not working. So basically I work.

So, funny story. I saw that you framed houses, and the company I work for needed another framing crew as we're getting busy. I was going to contact you after making sure we hadn't hired someone else, but before I could talk to one of our supers, I overheard him talking about a new framer he just hired whose company name was Cascadia. I put two and two together, turns out we hired you before I had a chance to bring you up. Yeah, I work for Millhaven. I'm the CAD manager. If/when you see a mistake on the plans, it's my fault.


Parts Collector
I'm putting in 55-60 hours driving, mostly nights. I'm limited to 60 by the DOT, but seriously, there's not a lot of life left after work. I do plan to cut back in a couple of years when I'm no longer paying rediculous child support.