WTF is going on in Kenai?


Ultimate Lurker
The medical marijuana issue is actually an interesting issue purely from the State's Rights aspect of it. It's funny to watch the Fed raid places that California deemed legal. I'm actually shocked that the Fed didn't repeat their actions of the past few decades like threatening to take away funding for roads when Colorado resisted raising the drinking age to 21

Term limits would be a very good idea, as would renewal dates for most laws, as would a Supreme Court that actually judged laws and held them to the limits of the Constitution...

Mead, WA
So a second civil war is a good idea?

I don't think we are even remotely close to that point.

Do you mean revolutionary war or civil war? The former was a good idea, the latter was just the removal of state's rights from the "United States"...
Exactly! There is a difference. And yes, I think it's time for a revolution. The people of this great REPUBLIC need to stand up and take back their control. The !!!!ONLY!!! reason government was formed was to protect the borders and property of the citizens. Not offer welfare, medicare, bailouts, CEO's, etc...etc...etc...etc.... They need to go back to protecting us, which they don't do anymore. Our Messiah in Chief (Obama) is hell bent on destroying us.
What I find somewhat interesting about this article, is that I cannot find an actual link to a website that has anything to do with a militia up here... yet it seems, there is more activity from them up here than most places...hmmmm :eek:

Welp... I read on that Alaska has the highest (per-capita) rate of Class3 permits, and registered "Tactical" style rifles in the country..... Maybe there is something to that... :eek:

Obama has increased watch on groups like this. They are really quite popular. Which is another even more important to revolt. At this point if some were to try, they would end up jailed or dead. Brings on a whole new meaning to the saying 'the man is keeping me down'. More like beating us down. IMO that's why Obama is killing the economy, so he can be the saviour like Hitler and Sadam - true Marxist!!

Mead, WA
oh... And the feds stay out of the CA marijane argument for the most part. But when the growers are falsifying documents, that's when they step in. The USPS did a huge raid in Humbolt nearly two years ago. That's right, your post office cops - Kathleen was one of them. It's funny, too, the locals knew what they were doing there and most refused services to them - like fuel and food. They had to drive to neighborhing towns. The locals also devoted radio air time to 'one of 'em is going up to Jimbo's place'.


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
Amen to that, Jack. ;)

The only problem I see with our Constitution is not having term limits. Our founding fathers never visualized that some one would want to be a professional politician when home, family and friends were so dear to them. Now politicians spend all their time trying to get re-elected instead of watching over their state and the country. As far as States Rights go we still have them but it is easier to get re-elected if you take other peoples money and give it to someone that votes for you. The states have to be represented in congress by those we elect. If they are there to only represent themselves there will be no States Rights. We the voters could turn this around but there seems to be no concerted will to do so. We don't have a King that will do good for all the people when he is a good King we have Kings that get elected every year. We are stampeding toward a socialist, not my fault/problem, do it for me country. Remember the Constitution/Country is only as good as we are. If the government takes away our freedom to FAIL (bail outs, health & welfare insurance) we loose our freedom. I got a little carried away but you get the idea.


Charlie don't surf
IMO the next couple years (Up to the next pres election anyway), will be very telling as to which direction all of this goes. There is no doubt there is a steadily growing number of Americans, who are disenfranchised with our Fed Government (Or is it BEING disenfranchised BY our Fed Gov... or maybe both?), and the majority or them are armed. :eek:

I believe something will come to a head, one way or another, around 2012.... uh, wasn't there something significant about that year? :eek::rofl:

JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
Washington doesn't have the stones to raise arms against Americans. Federal troops will not obey an order to raise arms against Americans.

That being said, a Constitutional Convention needs to be called and unless succession is a Plan B, leviathan will never be dismantled.

I happen to like AK.


Charlie don't surf
Washington doesn't have the stones to raise arms against Americans. Federal troops will not obey an order to raise arms against Americans.

That being said, a Constitutional Convention needs to be called and unless succession is a Plan B, leviathan will never be dismantled.

I happen to like AK.

...atleast, not according to these guys Its encouraging to know thatmany of the LEO and Mil can see beyond whats right and wrong when it comes to this...