YJ build

So the YJ had its madien voyage yesterday and I am very pleased with it. Handled great and is a great little wheeler. We did triple 7 and Milts mile and I was surprised but able to climb the middle Monkey on milts 98 inch wheel base is about as short of a wheel base that can do it. Fortunately I have the motobuilt boat sides on order because I did manage to hit each side of the body during our trip ☹️

It will also need a belly up kit of some sort. I hit the belly a few times. I want to try to incorporate my old custome XJ skid plate to the Yj. It will take some work but I think I can make it happen.

We have a winch on order so I also ordered a front Motobuilt bumper. Right now they have a free shipping on parts over $300 so I took advantage of that On the bumper and boat sides. With how low it sits and little longer wheel base it is really stable and turns so easily.

Katelynn even took it for a little drive and she did great for a 15 year old driving a manual while crawling.

My motobilt bumper and boat sides showed up the other day. Mocked the bumper up and I like it. We have a warn winch coming in the next couple of weeks to complete it.

I pulled the procomp rear bumper off and took that and the front bumper to the powder coaters.

Got started on the boat sides. Only got the driver side done but They are awesome. Had a little trouble with the e-brake line but I got it to work. Passenger side should take a lot less time. 20220406_192029.jpg20220405_085550.jpg