Yota Mutt Build

This is a sweet rig, i love the old blended with the new, plus more people is more fun, for not doing any fab work your sure are turning out to be a natural at it. So are you going to keep the same suspenion on it or maybe a multi link and coils are in the mix, keep the pics coming
Welp, It sat for a while, I wasn't sure if I wanted to keep the toy t-cases or upgrade the whole drive train all together. I decided I was already going to be pushing the t-cases to their limits with the 42s, and since i'm moving up to 44s, I thought it best to do it right the first time. I bought a setup from a guy up in Idaho (friend who runs a shop). Got a decent deal on a fully rebuilt TH400/Doubler Set up. So it went in. Here are the pics of how far I am along.... still a ways to go.

Doubler Cross Member

Almost gave me a flat belly, I kept it an inch or so low, it will take a bunch of my floor out as it is.

Threw the body back on and figured out the triple stick situation.

This weekend I mounted the propane tanks and rear shocks. Next will be the dash.

Also, I had an adapter machined to mount my propane kit to my Vortec TBI intake.

Thats it for now. I should be moving along with the project, so I wont have as long of a break in between posts.
so you said you are going to a 44? are you going to be selling the 42" pitbulls i love those tires i might be interested
I already switched. Found a guy who wanted to go back down to 42s. So we traded straight across... Rockers for Rockers.

As for suspension, I'm keeping it leaf sprung. The guys I go wheelin with all have linked up rigs and yes, they are incredible, but I could see myself getting bored with wheeling quickly if the local trails and most of Moab were too easy. I like the challenge of picking the perfect line and giving it a couple tries... keeps things interesting.
Welp. Here's a little progress. I've been out of town the last couple weekends and Saturdays are the days I get the most done. But here are some pics.

Got my first set of seats in the mail and couldn't wait to see how they looked sitting in place. Wasn't sure if I was going to use high backs for the back seats as well. Looks like I am. Any ways, here's a couple pics of how it'll look.


Also, since I switched from a toy doubler to GM, I had to re-do the passenger side tranny tunnel. Got it plated last night and will finish weld tonight. I think it turned out OK.

P-P-PLEASE mount the 1st gen bed and front end! I can't wait to see how it turns out! I put 1st Gen fenders on my last '85 'runner and I loved it!
I will definitely be mounting the 1st gen skins. It'll probably be one of the last things I do (since it's not necessary to wheel) but it will be done.... Oh yes, it will be done.
Welp, I now despise sheet metal! It took me a lot longer than I wanted to finish up the trans tunnel and tub the wheel wells. But it's done and that's all that matters.
Thanks to the long weekend, I got quite a bit done. I was able to get the pedal situation figured out and mounted as well as my radiator, shroud and tranny and steering cooler mounts done. I left the tubes tall cause they will eventually tie into the front cage.

The brake pedal assembly is from a Ford Explorer and the gas pedal is from a chevy 1/2 ton. Worked out pretty slick.

The Master Cylinder is from a 1/2 ton as well.

How the cab is looking so far...

The radiator took some sitting and starring to figure out. I'm using a shroud I picked up off of KSL (super cheap) so I had to kind of modify to make it fit as well as have it able to be removable separately from the radiator. Here's what I came up with...



Here's how I ended up mounting it. I used old T-Case mounts on the bottom to take weight off of the side mounts. Other than that, I just made the Tranny and Hyrdro steering coolers removable as well.


Still just tackling the little stuff. I have the steering all set up, the propane complete, my throttle and brakes are all done. Finished the tran tunnel with a winters (art carr) shifter. Just waiting on a switch panel from 12Volt Guy and after a few wires, she should be ready to fire up.



Well, I had to drop the Tranny and TCase to swap out the Flex Plate since my TC was 11" rather than the stock 10.75". So that ate up some of my time waiting for the flex plate in the mail. While I had the drive train out, I decided to redo the seals in the cases and tranny. It had a small leak before.

It's back together and this weekend I got to work on the pretty stuff... the dash and a little paint. Right now I just need to finish some wiring and add fluids and she should be ready to roll on her own. Here are some pics.




Sweet, I like how you've done your steering. Just mount your wheel straight to the box, good idea. How's your chopper coming along?
Ha! Thats funny you call it a chopper... It's waiting on a throttle cable and spedo cable and it'll be on the final steps. I really only touch it when I'm at a stand still with the rig. Last night I wired up everything and filled all the fluids and went to start up the Mutt..... but nothing! Bench tested my NEW starter and the solenoid wouldn't do it's job. So I won't be starting it up till tonight. Looks like your rig is on its way too! How'd those sliders work out for ya or have you put them on yet?