You can't spell Hate...


Typical mouth breathin' Mavs fan.... lolz
There is much rejoicing! Hats off to a worthy opponent in the Miami Heat, but the Dallas Mavericks are World Champions baby!

This one is for you Cubes!
Joseph was my first call, with a 9 point lead and under a minute to play... it was worth making sure he was safe and sound back from Beef Basin to watch this go down :D
Gald this is over. I cant STAND basketball. Between it and baseball, I think I would rather watch grass grow, or paint dry.
Gald this is over. I cant STAND basketball. Between it and baseball, I think I would rather watch grass grow, or paint dry.

Betting basketball is fun... especially when you picked the Heat in 5. Between the Heat and the NY Giants winning championships, the investment has performed better than my 401K has since 2006.