Political So now what

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Covid aside, sure was fun seeing all that money go into Ukraine instead of helping to rebuild the local economy.

That's simply one of the many ways our country spends money it doesn't have, and really I'd bet at least 50% of that money gets funneled into the hands of unscrupulous business owners like Trump in the form of bloated contracts and other back-alley deals. There is at least SOME positive that comes from trying to stabilize the global food supply, and there is a humanitarian element as well, but that probably is a matter of perspective.

But it's not like we're going to give it to teachers, or invest it in our own public services. That's a no-no...because socialism? We're not going to stimulate commerce by sending it to citizens. You think politicians are going to send it back to us in the form of tax cuts? I'm about as likely to be pregnant while being attacked by a shark that is being struck by lightening.

I don't know the solution, but I think trusting the government to create the oversite to fix the over-spending on international issues like that, in an effort to balance the budget and restore economic stability is like trusting the cat to guard over the food so that he can't eat it.


somewhat damaged
That's simply one of the many ways our country spends money it doesn't have, and really I'd bet at least 50% of that money gets funneled into the hands of unscrupulous business owners like Trump in the form of bloated contracts and other back-alley deals. There is at least SOME positive that comes from trying to stabilize the global food supply, and there is a humanitarian element as well, but that probably is a matter of perspective.

But it's not like we're going to give it to teachers, or invest it in our own public services. That's a no-no...because socialism? We're not going to stimulate commerce by sending it to citizens. You think politicians are going to send it back to us in the form of tax cuts? I'm about as likely to be pregnant while being attacked by a shark that is being struck by lightening.

I don't know the solution, but I think trusting the government to create the oversite to fix the over-spending on international issues like that, in an effort to balance the budget and restore economic stability is like trusting the cat to guard over the food so that he can't eat it.
I'd much rather the government not get the majority of that money in the first place. It's not "send it here rather than there". It's stop stealing it from us and spending on corrupt bullshit. Why would I want the government to have more cash than it really needs? Especially when all they do is destroy anything domestic that has any ability to even properly back that currency...?

I have no fight in the teacher stuff. Not my thing. We homeschool'd so the only thing I really want is my portion of that property tax returned.
Teaching is definitely a respectable profession, but last time I checked, we are in a market economy. I've taught school for a year or two when I was younger. Very enjoyable work, but it wasn't my calling in life. If there were a great teacher shortage, I suspect we would see teacher pay going up faster than it is. I'm not complaining in any way, but it is a tough economy. I don't know of anyone, myself included whose salary is going up as fast as inflation.


Threat Level Midnight
I’m actually a fan of teachers having the same base pay, but massive bonuses based on performance metrics. That money should come from the money we would save if the new schools these days all didn’t look like Apple Inc corporate buildings. Why are we building high schools that look like college campuses? My kids junior high seems like it’s trying to win architectural competitions. Pay the teachers, not build crazier facilities.


Registered User
I'd much rather the government not get the majority of that money in the first place. It's not "send it here rather than there". It's stop stealing it from us and spending on corrupt bullshit. Why would I want the government to have more cash than it really needs? Especially when all they do is destroy anything domestic that has any ability to even properly back that currency...?

I have no fight in the teacher stuff. Not my thing. We homeschool'd so the only thing I really want is my portion of that property tax returned.
How do you argue the government is getting more money than it needs when taxes don't come close to meeting expenditures?

Sure we all have our perspectives as to what is and is not appropriate government programs but there is zero chance of balancing the budget just off cutting programs.

On property tax dispite home schooling your kids, what part of providing free education don't you understand?

I no longer have any kids in public K12 schools but certainly expect to keep paying for schools.

As to money spent on Ukraine that was mentioned earlier, keep in mind the money spent on weapons comes back to the US companies that make them.


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I think one of my favorites is how people rage against the concept of discharging student debt, but rally behind the guy who's discharged billions of his own debt through chapter 11.


somewhat damaged
How do you argue the government is getting more money than it needs when taxes don't come close to meeting expenditures?
Uhmm. As far as federal income tax, NONE of that money goes toward any expenditures. It goes purely to pay the interest on the money BORROWED from the Federal Reserve. Printer goes burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Other than that, I bet we could survive as a country with about 80% of those "expenditures" cut.


somewhat damaged
On property tax dispite home schooling your kids, what part of providing free education don't you understand?
I knew that would trigger somebody like you. Note, I didn't say ALL. I just want to cover my own homeschooling expenditures out of the property tax budget. Wouldn't that be awesome? I think it would.

I no longer have any kids in public K12 schools but certainly expect to keep paying for schools.
Virtue signal received.


somewhat damaged
I think one of my favorites is how people rage against the concept of discharging student debt, but rally behind the guy who's discharged billions of his own debt through chapter 11.
Did he break any laws? Did his bankruptcies get put on the backs of American workers across the country as a whole and get used for political pandering? Amazing comparison. Either way, don't care. I think the whole student loan thing is extremely predatory. I'm glad I didn't get sucked into that.


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Supporting Member
Did he break any laws?
Did his bankruptcies get put on the backs of American workers across the country as a whole and get used for political pandering?
Also yes.
Amazing comparison.
Either way, don't care.
Because caring would be a difficult position to defend.
I think the whole student loan thing is extremely predatory. I'm glad I didn't get sucked into that.
I think that's the point. I'm glad we agree!

I also never had any student loans.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
Not really. If he's as good at bankruptcies as it seems, then maybe he can bankrupt the fed and get us back on some kind of gold standard. That'd be rad as hell. 5D space checkers-chess-uno bro
I don't know what that last thing means, but it's funny.

As for the gold standard, I don't know man. Even if we pulled 50% of our currency out of circulation, we'd have to find almost 750 billion dollars worth of gold. I'm a bit of an expert here having seen every episode of Gold Rush, so I think that's a tall order. I'd be curious to hear what your thoughts on what that path looks like. How do we get from A to B?

You also can't bankrupt a country. Well, I guess you can but there isn't an international Chapter 11 lol. That would render everyone's money useless and would lead to severe hardship and a likely uprising. I don't think that would be rad as hell for most people.

I think a revolution is likely the only thing that would be able to take money out of politics, however I really think we'd just be swapping one power and wealth hungry group for some other one.


Who Dares Wins
You also can't bankrupt a country. Well, I guess you can but there isn't an international Chapter 11 lol. That would render everyone's money useless and would lead to severe hardship and a likely uprising. I don't think that would be rad as hell for most people.
You can kinda bankrupt a country, its generally through devaluing the currency. Which leads to massive inflation and all the other ills that come along with it. Look at Argentina, which has done this something like four times in the last 25 years.

More of a parallel to the US would be the UK's currency crisis of 1967, which essentially threw the Sterling out as the global reserve currency and eventually led to the collapse of the post war Bretton Woods system. It also led to what is generally considered the worst decade in modern British history. If you'd like to know more, read State of Emergency by Dominic Sandbrook. Absolutely fascinating and has some foreboding similarities to our current moment here in the US.


somewhat damaged
I'm a bit of an expert here having seen every episode of Gold Rush, so I think that's a tall order. I'd be curious to hear what your thoughts on what that path looks like. How do we get from A to B?
You're way ahead of me then! X-D That kind of path is way above my pay grade. I just like to be hopeful in the most retarded ways.

ID Bronco

Registered User
Idaho Falls, ID
Maybe the right thread, maybe not.

What the heck is happening down there? 3 in a day or two.

Child abuse sickens me and I realize it's everywhere but holy smokes there have been a lot of reports down there.

Why? Thoughts?

ID Bronco

Registered User
Idaho Falls, ID
When I hear of these kinds of stories/events I have an urge to be a foster parent, like middle of the night and the kids are in trouble kind but I wonder if I'd have a hard time not attacking the crappy parents/abusers. Maybe after my kids are raised. I feel like we will have to answer for what we did or didn't do to help these kind of kids. I sure couldn't say I did enough.