Lighten the mood

That's weird. The only people I know who like LOTR also play D&D on the weekends. They are about as opposite of far right as one can be.
Now listen, I haven't touched a colored polyhedron in about twenty years. Don't you put this juju on me.

Rachel Maddow is like the left's version of Alex Jones. She can be ignored.
Oh, Lord of the Rings. Ah, haven't seen it or the 12 other movies it spawned. I did read "the Hobbit" in about 1983 or something. Just not into the fantasy type writing unless it's Tom Clancy-ish
Right. I saw the movies because it was a "thing". Never read the books, though. I was doing way cooler things in Jr. High than reading about wizards and elf's. Ya know, like writing Star Trek fan fiction...