Search results

  1. MikeGyver

    Worst "Build" I've Seen in a Long Time

    My only question is... why?
  2. MikeGyver

    Well that's a different look.

    Having reviewed this thread, I have now concluded that the popular consensus appears to be: new look will take some getting used to.
  3. MikeGyver

    UHMW boat side???

    I would definitely back it with something. 1/2" cutting board material is going to do some weird stuff after a short while of getting beat up.
  4. MikeGyver

    Fastest Grand Cherokee.... ever...

    aye mang, I race you in my moostang
  5. MikeGyver

    Cutting Torch, Tablesaw, Nitro tank, etc

    PM me what you sold your torch for if you would, I'm kind of thinking about selling mine.
  6. MikeGyver

    Jeep TJ Fuel Pump Comparison Question

    The 5.3l is internally regulated too I believe, the entire feed line coming out of the tank is essentially the "fuel rail" and is held at a constant 4bar (58psi). You'll have to adjust the injector slope in the tuning since fuel pressure doesn't regulate based on manifold pressure.
  7. MikeGyver

    Jeep TJ Fuel Pump Comparison Question

    So what are you going to run for a pressure regulator?
  8. MikeGyver

    Restoring headlight lenses

    Cheap new replacement housings on ebay ftw.
  9. MikeGyver

    Wanted Dana 30

    Nice, I'll PM you.
  10. MikeGyver

    Wanted Dana 30

    Non vacuum disconnect? I want one with the vacuum disco. I'll even consider an XJ high pinion Dana 30 if anyone has one.
  11. MikeGyver

    Wanted Dana 30

    My axle is pretty destroyed, starting over would make more sense than trying to fix mine at this point. I'd like to get at minimum a 'complete' housing with gears (I can swap my brakes and wheel bearings on). Don't really care what ratio, I'll be putting 4:88's in it, I just need something I can...
  12. MikeGyver

    Wanted Dana 30

    Looking for a YJ (high pinion) dana 30
  13. MikeGyver

    Steve Jobs

  14. MikeGyver

    A good place to have fuel injectors cleaned&tested?'s+injector+service&pf=p&sclient=psy-ab&source=hp&pbx=1&oq=wallys+inj&aq=0sx&aqi=g-sx1g-sv1g-b1&aql=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=f2d1beb1c4e15df7&biw=1366&bih=675
  15. MikeGyver

    A good place to have fuel injectors cleaned&tested?

    I had my 60#/hr injectors in my Camaro cleaned at Wallys, they worked awesome afterwards. Probably not the best idea or the most meaningful test.
  16. MikeGyver

    Borrowed a cool toy from work

    Awesome. How well can it spot a warm body outside at night?
  17. MikeGyver

    Electrical Gurus.... help? Speedohealer Now I'm curious what you're doing
  18. MikeGyver

    Need some tubing bent

    Ok, thanks I will let you know in the next little while.
  19. MikeGyver

    Need some tubing bent

    I'm gunna be making some rock sliders soon. I'll probably end up going with the design pictured below. 1-3/4" .120 hrew or DOM, four 45ish degree bends. So 2 pieces shaped like this \_________/ Preferably someone close to orem. I can supply the tubing unless you have some you'd be willing to...
  20. MikeGyver

    Gold plated FUGLY

    It deserves a new word that's as ugly as it is TRUGLY.