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  1. Skylinerider

    Cedar City RMP

    I'll stop in there when I can, and see what's new, or if there is anything we need to take to them (new routes etc) I can do that as well.
  2. Skylinerider

    Cedar City RMP

    Federal Gov't organizations encourage transfers. It's not uncommon to see someone new yearly, (or with National Parks every 6 months). While it may be a good way to get to know more facets of the organization, it hurts in the local knowledge department. I wish they would change this model.
  3. Skylinerider

    Are you stoked?

    I'm thinking that we should get to pick his next username;)
  4. Skylinerider


    I probably will be hiking with it some. I am gathering that a ball head is superior to the other types, correct?
  5. Skylinerider


    So with my new DLSR ordered, I've been looking at tripods. I have no idea what to look for, and prices seem to be all over the place. What do the RME'ers in the photo world use? What would you all recommend?