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  1. frieed

    Bivy Sacks. Feedback?

    When I sleep in the jeep I have to open windows slightly for ventilation. If I don't, then I get frost inside that turns to rain when the jeep warms up.
  2. frieed

    Bivy Sacks. Feedback?

    You need a snorkel for your bivy :D
  3. frieed

    Funny video thread... this looks like sooooo much fun
  4. frieed

    Trip Report: January Swell Trip

    I think the igneous intrusion is the top pic in post #6. It was a very thin and long fin with straight sides as if someone found a long, deep crack in clay, filled it with concrete, then washed the clay away.
  5. frieed

    Central Utah Upcoming trip: San Rafael Swell this weekend; Jan 11-12

    I can't beat your trip though DAA
  6. frieed

    Central Utah Upcoming trip: San Rafael Swell this weekend; Jan 11-12

    OK, I'll add some detail... It was cold. :D
  7. frieed

    Central Utah Upcoming trip: San Rafael Swell this weekend; Jan 11-12

    Thanks for the great trip Steve...
  8. frieed

    Central Utah Upcoming trip: San Rafael Swell this weekend; Jan 11-12

    Make sure the welds are still hot when you get there...
  9. frieed

    Fascinating gun video
  10. frieed

    Central Utah Upcoming trip: San Rafael Swell this weekend; Jan 11-12

    Work, huh.. I almost credited him with having more sense than we do, but since it's due to work, nah..
  11. frieed

    Ok Toyota fans what is this thing?

    It's a toyota 1-ton dually Avalanche clone...
  12. frieed

    Central Utah Upcoming trip: San Rafael Swell this weekend; Jan 11-12

    I just love a nice horizontal campfire.. NOT Been there/ done that at about 14*. don't want to try again with it 20* colder
  13. frieed

    Central Utah Upcoming trip: San Rafael Swell this weekend; Jan 11-12

    I have another -25* bag if you want backup (I'm bringing 2 for me :) )
  14. frieed

    Central Utah Upcoming trip: San Rafael Swell this weekend; Jan 11-12

    My philosophy on this trip is: It's just the one night. If it gets too uncomfortable or even dangerously cold, climb into the vehicle and run the heater and we bail in the AM or continue on with a little sleep deprivation.
  15. frieed

    Central Utah Upcoming trip: San Rafael Swell this weekend; Jan 11-12

    Kyle, I'll be hiding/sleeping in my rig, Steve is face to the stars/snow in his bivi, what are your plans? Personally, I'm really looking forward to playing in some fresh snow :D
  16. frieed

    Pet peeve of mine...yours?

    and if the right lane is occupied? I'm not talking drastic manuevers here, just make a reasonable effort to allow them by. that is a yes. This is partly because many people (not implying you) can't be bothered to pick it up if they are not being watched. Having the dog dump in the owners...
  17. frieed

    Pet peeve of mine...yours?

    Yes, because it's common courtesy. Do you get mad at people going 65 in the left lane when you are going 75? 30 seconds behind someone going slower than you to be courteous to someone going faster than you won't hurt you at all. Because its my yard, not yours, and not all people clean up...
  18. frieed

    Pet peeve of mine...yours?

    Had to laugh. Had a friend who had a dog that was "part of the family", not sure how the conversation got to this point, but I told them that the dog was lower on the food chain and if I had to I'd eat it. Haven't heard from them since.
  19. frieed

    Pet peeve of mine...yours?

    We have two cats that use the toilet for a water fountain. After they drink they leave nearly invisible wet paw prints on the seat if it is down. My wife just does not appreciate the irony when she can't remember to put the seat back up and sits on the wet seat!!!