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  1. frieed

    Snakes' Run July 4th

    Had me wondering, but then again, I can understand, Steve and fender are kinda similar... :)
  2. frieed

    A blast from the past

    After that storm (73), I remember walking over a drift and tripping, it was the clothes line, and stepping over a gap and onto the top of the garage..
  3. frieed

    A blast from the past

    Since you like the Suburban, and yes, that's me, circa 1965
  4. frieed

    A blast from the past

    I'll add this. I have a slide scanner if anyone would like to use it...
  5. frieed

    A blast from the past

    I notice that the tires all seem to be pretty skinny (from other photos as well) and wonder if the current fat-tire state is for fashion or function. The expedition web sites tend to favor tall and skinny.
  6. frieed

    A blast from the past

    OK, I'll add a couple more from the same time period and just for fun, the blizzard of 1973 in Sheridan For you camera buffs holding some old slides, the top two are Kodachrome, the bottom two are Ectachrome. If you are holding Ectachrome, better get them scanned soon.
  7. frieed

    Alpine Fire

    Steve, I would imagine that you are pretty safe, but should you need it, I have several spare beds....
  8. frieed

    A blast from the past

    I was moving my scans to my new PC today and ran across this. It is my dad hunting with friends in the Bighorn mountains of Wyoming in the winter of 65-66 or maybe winter 66-67. I remember him telling me that even with chains, they had to winch in and out. (Dad is taking the picture, so not...
  9. frieed

    What's on your Bucket List?

    not die at my desk
  10. frieed

    Uintas Campling Ideas

    Just spent last weekend up there. We looked at all of the campgrounds and decided that we had the best site of all the organized campgrounds along that road. We were at Lost Creek campground site #10. It's only a 5 min drive from Mirro Lake and far less crowded. They also have fresh water...
  11. frieed

    Looking for someone to donate some photography time on Saturday...

    I would be I'm going camping with the family this weekend
  12. frieed


    I have the same setup and can make it fine. You will probably scrape bottom a couple times, but Steve's spotting is a very satisfactory replacement for driving skills....
  13. frieed

    Eagle Mountain Fire

    I'm a bit slow, but can anyone point me to some kind of proof that a copper jacketed, partially jacketed, lead bullet can cause a spark or a fire. Lots of speculation, but no proof. What I see is a big fine for fireworks violations but not for a "target shooting" fire, hence, the original call...
  14. frieed

    A sad day for this guy

    yes, hard to read. Here's a video that took me three tries to finish :
  15. frieed

    Wait! This isn't the adult classifieds?

    Last fall I debated between an Ecoboost F-150 and a JKU Rubicon. I went with the Rubi since it gets me the most places stock. Now I'm thinking I shoulda gone for the truck and a project.
  16. frieed

    American Fork Canyon official news

    As I drove up yesterday AM about I noticed that no one was camped past the secluded area just to the right of the water crossing at the mine... I was kinda surprised. There are some really nice spots up there that let you get off the trail a ways
  17. frieed

    American Fork Canyon official news

    I was coming down out of the canyon at around 2:30 and it was just a solid line of cars heading up. It must have been pretty busy up there for you. On the trail, all I saw was a herd of ATV's trying to get up a shortcut on one of the switchbacks, no other full-size 4x4's
  18. frieed

    American Fork Canyon official news

    Brian, What time were you up there? I went up early and was back down by noon. Wish I'd crossed paths with you.
  19. frieed

    If you could get any 4x4?

    Quite honestly, if I were given the offer, I'd keep what I have (a 2012 JKU) and add roof top tent, dead coyote rack, gas cans, 35's, levitation drive, mr. plutonium adapter, etc Utimately, the choice is determined the desired end result. For myself, I lean towards extended expeditition...