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  1. SAMI

    iPhone users

    Unless there's an app.. it won't work.. I'm looking at the screen to upload a photo (manage attachments), and it won't allow me to choose any from my phone, only URL links.. I have the photobucket app that allows you to send photos to your photobucket.. problem is, you can't sort, rename, or...
  2. SAMI

    Busy last week

    Looks like a big boy.. I dig the color.. Did you remove the tassles? I would've figured you for a tassle man...
  3. SAMI

    General Tech Steering Bind - Saginaw Box

    Time for a drive up Little Cottonwood...
  4. SAMI

    Mashed Potato-NEW TRAIL in MOAB!

    Definately awesome!
  5. SAMI

    SAMI's Xterra "Stalker"

    I'm fine with IFS.. For the traveling that I do right now anyways.. It's fun to entertain, but we'll see.
  6. SAMI

    SAMI's Xterra "Stalker"

    After the 75,000 mile mark.. 33,000ish miles to go...
  7. SAMI

    SAMI's Xterra "Stalker"

    If by 'girly-ish' you mean they actually see dirt, then sure.. I guess they are pretty girly-ish.. Does 'man tire' mean balding 35's mounted on a pavement only Jeep? ... Leave my thread alone unless you can say nice things.. :p
  8. SAMI

    2009 -

    The only rig I recognised was Cody's.. I think AYL missed the "bigger picture" of the rally as well.. They seemed to be far more 'keep trails open' than I would've expected.. It was well done, but I would've hoped that they'd have talked more about the money that the state is missing out on...
  9. SAMI

    2009 -

    I saw Cody on the TV...
  10. SAMI

    convertable toyota pick up

    Nice job Rob
  11. SAMI

    SAMI's Xterra "Stalker"

    Um, yes... :confused:
  12. SAMI

    SAMI's Xterra "Stalker"

    Installed some Quickfists today...
  13. SAMI

    Anyone going to see District 9?

    I'll add that since my middle school days I've wanted to see a Mech Warrior movie. The Mech was badass... And deserves more battle time in the next movie...
  14. SAMI

    Anyone going to see District 9?

    I say B+, possibly A- Despite it not being at all like I thought it'd be, it was an awesome movie. It doe take a little bit to get going, but it gets going. I have a feeling that a group of people had a hell of alot of fun coming up with the alien weapons, and CGI'ing people exploding.. Go see it.
  15. SAMI

    Anyone going to see District 9?

    Buddy just said that it was good, definately worth seeing, and not at all what he expected..
  16. SAMI

    Clear Bra

    ^ I want a quote done for that coating :) ** I was just pricing out a bedliner for the lower rocker panel area before the sliders go on. This might actually be a better solution.
  17. SAMI

    Anyone going to see District 9?

    I've got tickets for Saturday afternoon.. Will report back my findings
  18. SAMI

    wtf? uh, aaallllright

    And there you have it
  19. SAMI


    I'm for sure planning on CWP for myself.. I'd like to do a training class on how to hndle removing myself and others from bad situations as well.