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  1. JoeT

    Happy Anniversary Joe & Angie Thompson

    Thanks guys and pesty sister.
  2. JoeT

    Gas/Diesel prices

    Just a little.
  3. JoeT

    Angela Thompson Fundraiser Garage Sale / SWAP MEET!

    Something like that. Definetly going to need a porta-potty then. Anyone got a lead on those?
  4. JoeT

    Angela Thompson Fundraiser Garage Sale / SWAP MEET!

    May 19th at her parents home in Bluffdale. 8am to 2pm?This is to raise money to help pay off bills (Astro Van w/ wheel chair lift $15k) plus supplies. I'm also looking into hiring some help part-time for her mom. XJMAMA/EKSJAE managed to get 13 totes of MAC/SNAP-ON tools donated to this from...
  5. JoeT

    Pick it apart before I order

    No pink case or Crucial Memory?
  6. JoeT

    Jazz game?

  7. JoeT

    Jazz game?

    Go Williams!
  8. JoeT

    Jazz game?

    maybe just maybe....
  9. JoeT

    Jazz game?

    Slloowwly losing it, typical Jazz.
  10. JoeT

    Jazz game?

    TNT MonkeyBoy
  11. JoeT

    I did actual work on the buggy!

    You taking it out this weekend?
  12. JoeT

    1974 VW bus??? HUGE VW site
  13. JoeT

    Summit Machine May run

    Just maybe ..............if I can get another temp.
  14. JoeT


    I watched the Rocky vs. Hannity fight. That was fun to watch.
  15. JoeT

    Spiderman 3

    I went and saw it opening night with my son Logan (5 yr). Pretty good flick with some incredible actions sequences. There's 1-2 slow parts that make for a great potty break. There seems to be a good message in the movie also. Would of liked to see more of Venon. Any guesses as to whom the next...
  16. JoeT

    PowerWheels + Scooter + GoKart + Quad +Snowblower =?

    Got a conduit bender this week!! Time to do the cage!! Pics coming maybe friday night!
  17. JoeT

    Yep, I'm dying

  18. JoeT

    I know a few (Zack Yost)

    FYI- Shawn Yost (Owner of HBRK4X4) donated several items to my wifes fundraiser raffle. Here's a couple of other info/links for Zach. After hearing about Zach Yost (son of Shane and Amber Yost) and his fight with cancer I felt...
  19. JoeT

    Monitors lcd, crt, what do I want??

    Got a 19" Dell Flat here at work. Looks great. I'm going to hook my laptop to my 42" LG Plasma and see how that looks.
  20. JoeT

    Brandon/Suka B update

    AWESOME!!! So what are his limitations? Is he moving his arms/legs any better?