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  1. Coreshot

    Placing an Anchor in a Concrete floor for a winching point

    You stud you :cool:
  2. Coreshot

    American Fork? Mary Ellen Gulch?

    Its been a month or so since I went and there was nothing deterring you from continuing on up from the top mine. Is there a sign there now?
  3. Coreshot

    American Fork? Mary Ellen Gulch?

    Yes, other than the fact that Snowbird has No Motor Vehicles signs posted on the Mineral Basin side. You would have to take the Cattrack up to the tram and back down to the base of the Mineral Basin Lift. They must've repaired the slide when they were building the new switchback. I had no idea...
  4. Coreshot

    New to SLC

    Welcome to Utah.
  5. Coreshot

    Who does Big Game Scoring?

  6. Coreshot

    American Fork? Mary Ellen Gulch?

    I've been up MEG several times this year in the Wildcat. There are no areas where a full sized rig cant get by. In fact, there have been several older pickups near the top with guys panning for gold way up near the cabin. The only semi sketchy spot is where a trail from the lower canyon comes...
  7. Coreshot

    Route Ideas?

    You would have to go over Big Cottonwood and Guardsman Pass as there is no way out of the top of Little. Go over into AF, down past Tibble Fork and hang a left at the fork. This will take you back over the Alpine Loop, and drop you out at Sundance. Quick trip back to Heber that way. Definitely...
  8. Coreshot

    Gun Rooms project

    I assume this area is under the front porch? I wish my house was built with one of these, perfect application for a vault. DAA hit it right on, whatever you do, think about humidity.
  9. Coreshot

    Red Dot Engineerings RZR Crawler

    That's ridiculous, I guarantee hes breaking shafts or smoking belts if hes actually running any decent trails. Some guys are getting away with 32s, but most are sticking with 30s. Does look cool though...
  10. Coreshot

    any experience out there with Rhinos or Rangers?

    I don't trust a lot of the two seaters that have been fitted with a back seat, do yourself a favor and look at the early RZR 4 seaters. There should be some in your price range, and the cages and seats are made to have people back there. The RZR is a solid format, but it wont be 50 inch wide...
  11. Coreshot

    Who has switched from dirtbikes or quads or 4x4 to utv's?

    Just bought a wildcat X, been out more in the last three months than I had the crawler out in the last 6 years. I bought mine for a variety of riding, mountain trails, going to the cabin, sand duning, and yes rock crawling. Crawling is still the primary use for mine, but it does everything well...
  12. Coreshot

    Any river kyakers out there?

    You just bought these? Why the sale? Find something more suitable?
  13. Coreshot

    Sleeping pad???

    After spending last week in a tent in Moab, I've decided its time for a better pad to sleep on. I don't care if its considered a "backpacking" pad or not, but compactability will be considered. I want something larger and thicker than my current Thermarest that is only like an inch or inch and a...
  14. Coreshot

    Grand Gulch, Apr. '14

    Thanks, awesome writeup
  15. Coreshot

    Archived EJS PSH Project Part 2 - Cleanup Volunteers

    It was good to see you guys out there, I was impressed at how clean the place was, even in the afternoons when it got crazy. I see the Wildcat in one of your pics :cool:
  16. Coreshot

    small houses - i dig 'em

    They aren't that bad compared to a stick frame shed. I got my 20 ft shipping container for 3500, but its a one time use brand new, the chalk lines are still on the floor. The more used ones are around 2500, but theyre pretty beat up. A 20X8 ft shed would be about as much and far...
  17. Coreshot

    small houses - i dig 'em

    I love the shipping containers, I have one in my back yard that will become my bar at the cabin property when I'm done using it for storage.
  18. Coreshot

    Any 2 stroke motor gurus?

    For sure, nice that they are really close to my home also
  19. Coreshot

    Any 2 stroke motor gurus?

    Sweet! I will check them out.
  20. Coreshot

    super sized rtt.

    That is freakin sweet!