2 Years In Korea

A couple weeks ago I was TDY to one of my bases and managed to catch a couple short videos of what I guess is the Korean equivalent of the Thunderbirds.



Shortly after the second video while doing a base security check on the perimeter we were driving through a crazy little ghost town just outside the base and ran into an old Korean who had a flat tire and no jack or tire iron. So we stopped and started getting his tire changed for him. I managed to leave my hat in our truck and this guy was very concerned for my bald head so he decided to put his straw hat on my head while I was undoing the lug nuts.

He refused to take the hat back until we were completely done and on our way.
Riding a bike in this country is dangerous. The street is too dangerous so I ride on the sidewalk where there is a bike lane.

That still has no meaning. Had a lady walking while I was being very cautious in front of me suddenly change directions.

Ended up going over my handle bars and landing straight on my forehead. Really happy I wear a helmet even though this was the first time in my life I ever needed one. Jammed a couple fingers straight into the ground which caused quite a bit of blood. My head hurts but if I had been riding like I did ten years ago not feeling I needed a helmet I could have easily ended up in tbe hospital.
Thanks Steve.

I went to the clinic yesterday and got x-rays. My middle finger is broken right at the tip. I have to make a 3.5 hour drive on Thursday to main Army hospital here to see the orthopedic surgeon to make sure I don't need surgery. I guess after seeing my x-rays he is concerned about my fingernail bed. The crash pretty much completely seperatly my fingernail.

In the mean time I've got this huge splint and good drugs to help keep the pain down so I can sleep.
I love hearing/reading reports of other countries from an American perspective. I had to turn down two opportunities to spend several months on the job in Shanghai a few years ago. My family situation simply wasn't in a good place for me to do that. I kick myself for not making it work!

Looks like you get to go exploring a bit over there. I've had many friends that were in the service say they really loved Korea. Keep the updates coming! Stay safe..and THANK YOU for your service!
One really cool thing this country does is their government assistance program. If you are homeless/unemployed and require government assistance the state puts you to work. There are a bunch of people walking the streets with brooms and dust pans picking up trash.

Requiring people to earn the the help they need is just fantastic.
One really cool thing this country does is their government assistance program. If you are homeless/unemployed and require government assistance the state puts you to work. There are a bunch of people walking the streets with brooms and dust pans picking up trash.

Requiring people to earn the the help they need is just fantastic.

Lets add Pass a drug test to that too
Looks like I have found a cool jeep group on Facebook here. Joe and Dennis from Teraflex are hooking up with them in the next couple days and I'll be on leave for the next two weeks. Hopefully I'll be able to jump in with them and get some Jeep fix in.
Looks like I have found a cool jeep group on Facebook here. Joe and Dennis from Teraflex are hooking up with them in the next couple days and I'll be on leave for the next two weeks. Hopefully I'll be able to jump in with them and get some Jeep fix in.

That would be incredible!
They've actually got a competition going on an hour and a half away from me next weekend. I'll be the with camera and go pro in hand.
And now for a couple pictures from the past two weeks nothing impressive though.

Saw this as the market and figured why not.

Wasn't terrible but not great either...guess squid jerky just isn't for me.

Found this gem at at restaurant near my house.

It made me quite happy even if they were 10 bucks a piece.

And I found this little piece of history in a filing cabinet at work.

I'd love to see what's on it.
One really cool thing this country does is their government assistance program. If you are homeless/unemployed and require government assistance the state puts you to work. There are a bunch of people walking the streets with brooms and dust pans picking up trash.

Requiring people to earn the the help they need is just fantastic.

That is cool. Suggest something like that around here and people look at you like you suggested we all bite the head off a kitten.