4th OF July


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Supporting Member
yup. and I got paid for the golf tournement I went to last friday :D

man, this 'real world' business everyone warned me about when I was in school sure is a lot easier than the 'pre-real-world' life ;)


yup. and I got paid for the golf tournement I went to last friday :D

man, this 'real world' business everyone warned me about when I was in school sure is a lot easier than the 'pre-real-world' life ;)

Hmmm....I get paid for the 4th, too...but I don't get paid to go to golf tournements :(


Team Tata's
I d hoe
I'll volunteer my brother in laws house ;)

Maybe you should check with your inlaws FIRST! LOL

Seriously, even a BBQ somewhere, we could all bring fireworks (are they legal in UTAH? Hell I don't know!

Lets just figure this out.. I would love to see everyone b 4 we head to NY for more treatment!

OHH, and I golf too, worked for a Private UpSCALE C. CLUB Talk about AWESOME! I GOT PAID TO GOLF!!! OK... No more hijacking this... (including ME)


Limited Supply Of Sanity
Yeah a BBQ somewhere would be great! We can always do it at my house but we are 30 min from sugarhouse park, if we are still going there. Utah sells fireworks, just nothing amazing. we can do aBBQ over here and fireworks in the street in front of our house!! Offers on the table! :)


Team Tata's
I d hoe
That works for me, I'll start hunting for some fireworks! It mighjt actually be better for Zach anyhow! We don't mind driving Hell.. We do it ALL the time!



Limited Supply Of Sanity
Amber there is a really cheap and easy golf course by my house, its 10$ for 9 holes and a few dollars more for 18. Its not the most luxurious course but hey its manga, cant expect too much!! lol. I would go golfing with ya but I dont have anyone to watch caulen for me. I played when my parents were here but overall I really suck ass!!!

As for the BBQ Anyone is invited, it will be a blasty blast blast. I have a grill we can bbq up some steaks, or burgers or brawts......there is usually fireworks stands in grocery store parking lots. There is one at the Smiths right next to our house. :)


Starting Another Thread
Sunny Arizona
Ya know, if you're going to have a little shin dig at your place, Magna Park has a pretty decent fireworks show as well. Not to mention the rides for the kiddies and such, and not near the crowds or traffic headaches as Liberty or the baseball parks.

sweet sounds fun!:) now what to cook??? hmmmmmm