AF canyon run 7/25

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I am the Brute squad
South Salt Lake
i just think think it is a little weird you can drive through the river to get to forrest lake but not through the scum pond a hundred feet from the lake. Just my thought.

The main problem is this water is not flowing. It has nowhere to go thus all the oils that come off your vehicle or others are going to build up in the area and in the water. The lake will eventually come back up and cover the area that was wheeled in. Where is that oil going to go? Into the lake doesn't take much thought.


New Member
The telling story here is "I was the only one (retarded?) enough to 4x4 in the lake?" Rest assured I have made sure you and your plate has been reported to the AMF ranger station!


Poser Offroad Bronco
Sorry I guess we were all in the lake then, just not in in the water. I knew i should had looked at the pics, not said a word and logged off.

Lord Al Sorna

Harebrained Scheming
Park City
The telling story here is "I was the only one (retarded?) enough to 4x4 in the lake?" Rest assured I have made sure you and your plate has been reported to the AMF ranger station!

I was taught from day one to take responsibility for my actions from a better man than you will ever hope to be. I will not try to hide, lie about, or in any way dismiss actions that are distasteful that I have done. On the same token, I will not flaunt or brag about my actions that I have taken to help my fellow man. I take full responsibility in this case, just like every other event in my life.

My phone number is 307-760-9270. You may pass this on to the ranger station in your report so they may contact me directly on this matter. I will then be happy to give them the rest of my information.
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New Member
If you really want to try to make the rest of this forum sound like dicks go right ahead. A telling fact should be the first post you made saying "from a different forum yada yada yada"/. The main point here being the rest of you WERENT trying to drive through the mudhole. If you really think this doesnt matter PLEASE post pictures of YOUR RETARDED ass stuck in the OFF LIMITS LAKE so we can go ahead and have you ticketed as well! IGNORANCE is not an excuse! FURTHER people with your ATTITUDE lead to trail closures and are a waste of humanity! A termite is more useful...


New Member
Rest assured pictured have been printed, and will be HAND DELIVERED to the visitor center tomorrow, along with a formal complaint. People like COLORAM ruin fourwheeling for the rest of us, please make sure his attitude doesnt go unpunished!


Sandy, Ut
1. This is a natural segway into everyone taking a Tread Lightly awareness class, I've offered them in the past (in AF Canyon no less and we spoke a bit about Forest Lake) and I would be happy to host one again and I'm sure my partner in crime skylinerider would help out again too. The classes don't teach you how to read a sign or interpret a map so much as use some common sense to treading on public lands. Its easy to think "hey its just a mud hole" lets give it a go, I've owned up to the fact I've done it before and I have my own ignorance to blame. The reality is we need to sit back and think about why we shouldn't get in the water and in this case Forest Lake(s) are home to an endangered specie of salamander. I had actually never seen them up there until the recent years just to give you an idea how rare they seemingly can be. Beyond that FL is a majoring watering spot for wildlife. Not only do they not want to taste oil water, the sound of trucks bogging through the mud and water is a bit more extreme than a calm drive to the lake with picnic baskets in hand :D

Somebody brought up the point of 'why the river but not the lake', that is actually a very good questions. I hope my notes above have helped answer that a bit but beyond the Forest Lake Trail (Shaffer Fork) is under scrutiny for the amount of sediment/contamination introduced into the North Fork & Tibble. I honestly wouldn't be surprised in the least to see a culvert at what is now the trail head river crossing in the years to come. Groups such as U4WDA, RME and U4x4C, etc have worked thousands of hours up there to divert the route from the stream flow on the trail proper but I fear a time will come when that alone is not enough.

2. I'm honestly a bit more disappointed in the shear number of users that watched it happen versus the one user that did it out of the shear ignorance I myself exhibited before I knew better. We need to learn to police our own at the incident not as the pictures show up on the internet. This brings up a second opportunity to learn and educate oneself and fellow enthusiasts, the Utah Trail Patrol . Trail Patrol takes the ethics you learned in your Tread Lightly class and gives you some proactive ways to apply them in the field with users. If 1 in 10 users did the TL course and 1 in 50 did the TP course, we would be 10x better off than we are today... how is that for a statistic :p

ColoRam, your appology flies with me, it was seemingly an honest mistake and you have owned up to it and furthermore offered to step up and help in the futurer. Look into TL and TP classes and see if you can't help us have a more proactive approach in the years to come.
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New Member
Bravo Cruiser... I guess my main problem with this scenario is out of 9 rigs one decided to be a complete DUMBASS and drive through the receding lake. And yet we are supposed to take his word that he didnt know any better? It wasn't a clue that 8 OTHER RIGS didnt try to drive through the lake? I am sorry but this is total redneck stupidity IMO!


Sandy, Ut
Bravo Cruiser... I guess my main problem with this scenario is out of 9 rigs one decided to be a complete DUMBASS and drive through the receding lake. And yet we are supposed to take his word that he didnt know any better? It wasn't a clue that 8 OTHER RIGS didnt try to drive through the lake? I am sorry but this is total redneck stupidity IMO!

Well I guess the reality is we were not there and we don't know what happened nor the thought process of those involved. However I can hardly imaging they thought any flack would come of this trip report causing them to censor any pics of the melee beforehand?

Really its a moot point, 1 rig, 10 rigs, the point isn't that it happened, just that it is happening at all. We need to find ways to educate our users proactively, simple as that. I'm guilty on both ends, I was once a rogue user that thought any tire tracks were welcoming of my own... and after nearly 10 years of service in the canyon I've been on the scornful tail of a new generation of rogue users. All I can do now is my 'part' hence why I will continue to offer Tread Lightly classes and in fact am working towards becoming a Master Trainer and I am a member of the Utah Trail Patrol as well. I would urge others to follow this path as well.


I run a tight ship... wreck
Rest assured pictured have been printed, and will be HAND DELIVERED to the visitor center tomorrow, along with a formal complaint. People like COLORAM ruin fourwheeling for the rest of us, please make sure his attitude doesnt go unpunished!

For a new member, aren't you being a bit harsh? Toss up an introduction, so we know who you are. ;)

... ColoRam, your appology flies with me, it was seemingly an honest mistake and you have owned up to it and furthermore offered to step up and help in the futurer. Look into TL and TP classes and see if you can't help us have a more proactive approach in the years to come.



I am the Brute squad
South Salt Lake
If you really want to try to make the rest of this forum sound like dicks go right ahead. A telling fact should be the first post you made saying "from a different forum yada yada yada"/. The main point here being the rest of you WERENT trying to drive through the mudhole. If you really think this doesnt matter PLEASE post pictures of YOUR RETARDED ass stuck in the OFF LIMITS LAKE so we can go ahead and have you ticketed as well! IGNORANCE is not an excuse! FURTHER people with your ATTITUDE lead to trail closures and are a waste of humanity! A termite is more useful...

In all reality who the F are you to be giving anybody shit on this forum? You are newbie here as well and I'm sure you have done your fair share of stupid actions. So stop acting all high and mighty and shut it already.


I am the Brute squad
South Salt Lake
Damn Greg you beat me to it. I realize I gave him some crap but atleast he manned up to his actions and that was all I was looking for. This gilg character seems like a bigger ass the the person who made the mistake.


New Member
While I am a NEW member... At least I have enough COMMON sense to stay on designated trails, are you trying to say that members dont have to stay on trails? :rofl: Sure sounds like it to me... glad ive never wheeled with you!
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I am the Brute squad
South Salt Lake
Then you need to learn some reading comprehension. I'm simply giving you crap for giving somebody more crap then they deserve at this point. Great you have common sense learn to use it before you are no longer a member of the board.


Sandy, Ut
While I am a NEW member... At least I have enough COMMON sense to stay on designated trails, are you trying to say that members dont have to stay on trails? :rofl: Sure sounds like it to me... glad ive never wheeled with you!

I don't think they are saying that at all, users of all pedigree should stay on the trail. Just you are a pretty new sheriff to town and ColoRam is pretty new around these parts too.


New Member
Honestly if the attitude of this forum is ignorance is bliss... then you are right, I dont belong because I prefer to KNOW BEFORE I GO!


Sandy, Ut
Honestly if the attitude of this forum is ignorance is bliss... then you are right, I dont belong because I prefer to KNOW BEFORE I GO!

Remind us where that was written. Ignorance followed by lashing followed by an apology and an offer to help does not equal bliss.

Where is that dead horse emoticon?


I run a tight ship... wreck
Honestly if the attitude of this forum is ignorance is bliss... then you are right, I dont belong because I prefer to KNOW BEFORE I GO!

You're blowing the whole thing out of proportion, including your reaction to the comments directed to your overzealous response to the situation.

If you honestly think the members of RME operate under the philosophy of "ignorance is bliss", the I must honestly say that you are the ignorant one. Calm down and take a few deep breaths and do some looking around... most of the active members of RME have spent literally countless hours volunteering their time cleaning, repairing and undoing the damage the ignorant have done.

If that makes you feel like you don't belong, so be it.


New Member
You know I am sorry but you are RETARDED. Since our parents were our age do you have any idea how much public access has been lost? More then we will ever be able to four wheel on. If you guys really want to defend the ONE person out of NINE who decided to do this go right ahead.... I mean seriously there is no way this guy didnt know better, he just didnt CARE! Is this the attitude that you want to foster as a forum? Oh I did it because there were no signs that said otherwise/the 8 other ppl who DIDNT try it said it was ok? Do you really want to see American Fork Canyon closed to motor vehicle traffic? That is certainly where BULLSHIT like this will end up! I am sorry that I am not an iggnorant REDNECK pos like those who have issues with what I am saying. Go ahead and BAN my account if I really cared I could have a new one 30 seconds later.... I thought this forum was a good place to find people to go wheeling with and I have had some good times doing so. At the same time I refuse to give respect to people who are willing to look the other way because someone is applogizing for being a total idiot. Especially when the person is only doing so in order to try to escape getting in trouble, if you think otherwise you are stupider then you look IMO...
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