Trail Patrol is a program that's part of the State Parks & Rec dept. They do a short class (3 hours?) to discuss how/what to do. The classes are infrequent, but if a big group is organized they will hold a special training for the group. We've got a lot of informal trail patrol groups and I've found them to be completely worthless. Trail Patrol should be the focus of an excursion, not a byproduct. If there were 20-30 people in the RME Trail Patrol Unit, it only takes a few people dedicated on a Saturday to make a difference. Rotate them around to cover an area each weekend. With 30 members in the Unit, three-person teams could be organized where each person only has to do 2 patrols each season and we'd have every weekend covered. Or the Unit could rotate between AF and the Snakes or something.
that seems like a setup that would work. We deffinately need to get something going. Im sure the hard part is just getting it set up.