Congratulations to all who participated in our
second RME net! Our attendance roll was as follows:
NM0AB---Dempsey (TurboMinivan) as net control
W7DMW---Dave (moab_cj5)
KD7DAA--Dave (DAA)
KE8L--Eric (unimog)
KI7BUY---Jared (iceaxe)
N7SHZ--John (gijohn40)
W6NDR--Nate (nnnnnate)
K7BTU---Rulon (not an RME member)
KE7KVP---Marc (mbryson) was tonight's "text message" check-in. He messaged me directly to tell me his tone was off, preventing him from accessing the repeater. John was driving while participating in the net and ended up driving right to Marc's house (maybe that was his original destination?) to help him configure his radio.
Nate got a late start, and tuned in while the net was already in progress. He was able to join in during our discussion phase, which was absolutely fine. If anyone among us feels like they need to shy away from participating because they weren't there at the very start, don't worry about it! Everyone is welcome to join in when they can. We are doing this to help everybody get experience and feel more comfortable on the air, and we are
definitely not going to exclude someone just because their hectic schedule made them a few minutes late.
We again had an impromptu guest tonight, a man named Rulon. He was just scanning around on his radio, heard our net in progress, so he stayed on frequency and checked in at the end. He belongs to a group that holds a net on this repeater on Monday nights, hence the reason this machine is programmed into his radio. When he asked who we were, I explained RME4x4 to him. Hearing this, he mentioned he had just purchased his first 4WD vehicle. I invited him to check us out and perhaps get started in a new hobby.
At the end of tonight's net, I again asked the group about starting at 8:30pm rather than 9:00pm next week. Everyone who had a preference requested the earlier time, thus I plan to
start at 8:30pm again next week. I will also post this on page 1, at the top of post 1 of this thread for easy reference. Unless or until I get requests to change things, this will probably remain our starting time for the next few weeks.
Thanks again to every one of you guys.