Anyone else sitting at home - or working w/o pay - due to the Gov Shutdown?


Well-Known Member
Layton, UT
Interesting... A post that I started just to see who else was out there that was sitting at home or working w/o pay has somehow turned into a bash against those of us that are being impacted.

I never said I was losing my home, implied that I was somehow better than non-gov workers, or couldn't go a few days without pay. Other than my home I don't have any debt, and can go a while without working due to living within my means in the past.

That said - I want to work. I'm good at what I do, and contrary to popular belief, not all contractors make truckloads of money. I sure don't. I do what I do because I like it and in my field, feel I'm making a difference and protecting all our interests.

I don't care what your political beliefs - shutdown isn't good for anyone.


Registered User


Registered User
Some are correct, we, the govt worker, do have a general more sense of security that are civilian counterparts, but nearly all of us make at least 50% less than our civilian counterparts......yeah I know "Why do we do it then", well I can't speak for all but many of us do it because we believe it what we do in support of this country. Others it just happened to be the first career job that they secured and now that they have been in it for awhile they have to much invested to make a leap to the private sector.


Registered User
Interesting... A post that I started just to see who else was out there that was sitting at home or working w/o pay has somehow turned into a bash against those of us that are being impacted.

I don't think there was any bashing going on, just some general "the private sector is worse" type posts. I don't think anyone here, generally speaking, wants the gov't to shut down.

For an interesting read, check out the link below. Don't get caught up on the horribly transparent biased view in the video on the top of the page and not read the article itself - CNN just can't post something like this without some twisted inconsistent uber-liberal leaning video above the actual piece.


Registered User
I surely didn't take it as bashing. Some people just have had no exposure to govt workers. I'm always amazed when I meet my counterparts in the private sector which constantly in my position and they are completely blown away when they find out what I make comparative to themselves which is always followed by "why do you do it".


Lover of all things Toyota
Mantua UT
I surely didn't take it as bashing. Some people just have had no exposure to govt workers. I'm always amazed when I meet my counterparts in the private sector which constantly in my position and they are completely blown away when they find out what I make comparative to themselves which is always followed by "why do you do it".

For the Record I didn't mean to bash anyone. I know how it can be working for the Government, I worked as a intern on Capital Hill in D.C. and made $ 7.75 an hour. I am just bothered by the blind hatred of congress with the lack of action. People claim to hate the government and the shut down, but its only because they have become dependent on the government for money. Everyone is okay getting there piece of the pie, but don't realize that our country is broke.


Registered User
I surely didn't take it as bashing. Some people just have had no exposure to govt workers. I'm always amazed when I meet my counterparts in the private sector which constantly in my position and they are completely blown away when they find out what I make comparative to themselves which is always followed by "why do you do it".

I have friends and family that work for the gov't, both state and federal. I think the "why do you do it" question is pretty easily answered by benefits and typically better job security than the private sector. The retirement benefits alone are worth it, plus medical insurance is generally much better than anything I've ever had. Of course medical insurance and job security are a couple hot topics right now. In my line of work (IT) I spend a lot of time on call, and have a lot of ruined weekends when I'm stuck working. A good friend of mine works in IT for the state of Oregon, and to him this is pretty much unheard of. I do make probably 30% more than he does but his retirement package will more than make up for it in the long run. My younger sister is 42 and she is in the middle of selling everything, packing up, and moving to San Diego. She has her 20 years in with the state and is fully vested in her retirement package. No worries for retirement for her either, no kids, no debt, not much money in her pocket but she can do the start over thing and even if it doesn't work out as soon as she hits retirement age she has her state retirement as well as social security waiting for her.

I'm not saying these things are universally true, just my personal experience.


Well-Known Member
Layton, UT
I retract the "bashing" bit then. Boredom combined with angst perhaps isn't the best scenario for typing and expressing what one is feeling... :D


Active Member
Tooele, UT
Yes, but why is our country broke answer that one? How much do politicians make after they are done with their term? Why do the politicians go into their career and become multi millionaires in one term? These are questions every citizen should be asking!!!


Lover of all things Toyota
Mantua UT
Yes, but why is our country broke answer that one? How much do politicians make after they are done with their term? Why do the politicians go into their career and become multi millionaires in one term? These are questions every citizen should be asking!!!

I agree with you 100!


Registered User
Good medical abd retirement that's hilarious. I don't even use their medical coverage and that great retirement is only 1.1% for each good year with massive deductions if drawn early. The "great" retirement comes from what you invest into it. Crap, even their matching is sub par for the private sector.


Registered User
Oh and our pay has been frozen for three years so in other words we're losing money from inflatio. Look I get the politican thing. It needs to be burned down and start from scratch...botj sides. But to bash on us pond govt workers is a joke.


evanston wy
Funny how everyone complains like I hear in public or work.....But really,what are the people going to do to change things or what can they do,not a damn thing. This country is a mess,period!


Registered User
The Government is broke because of pork lined bills that scream special interest. It is broke because of subsidizing such industries as Amtrak that hasn’t made a profit in the 30 years they have been doing so. It is broke because the manner in which we fight conflicts. It is broke because many higher positions abuse the system. It is broke because of funding many social programs that we cannot afford. It is broke due to the many bailouts…..why are we bailing the City of Detroit out again? It is borke for paying feds to manage lands that should belong to the state. However it is the most broke because politicians refuse to pass a balance budget act.

If this entire governmental shutdown is over the Conservatives believing they have the least remote chance possible of not funding or changing Obama care at this moment they are severely delusional and should all not be reelected. It was a non-starter from the get to. Now if it’s all merely a three move chess match where it’s all smoke in mirrors in order to at the last minute get a balanced budget amendment passed then I will sit patiently in my home, laid off until that is accomplished.

It’s amazing anywhere and everywhere I take my three year old Granddaughter the very first thing that she says to any other child is “Hi, my name is Kairi, do you want to be friends?” Not only has she yet to be denied, she gets, without fail, a hug from that person when they depart ways. Imagine of our politicians all acted like that.

So on the original post and question: I would love to go on a trail ride, however I have to save what funds I have for my trip to Canyon de Chelly that is occurring in less than 10 days.


Registered User
Good medical abd retirement that's hilarious. I don't even use their medical coverage and that great retirement is only 1.1% for each good year with massive deductions if drawn early. The "great" retirement comes from what you invest into it. Crap, even their matching is sub par for the private sector.

Like I said, based on just my experiences. A couple that are good friends of mine are air traffic controllers, when they retire (6 years for one, 8 years for the other), they will qualify for a yearly salary of 60% of their top 3 years after 30+ years of federal service. I want to say my sister will be getting 80% of her final salary per year, but it may be 60% (state, not federal). To be fair, they changed the retirement benefits so someone starting now would get a lot less, but my sister is grandfathered in.

BTW, a few years ago we had a company wide pay-cut and very few people have gotten raises since although they did return our wages back to pre-cut levels. Basically, most people in this company would have been better off with a straight up 3 year pay freeze. I am one of the lucky few that have been getting a pay raise every year, and even then it was the max allowed of 3% to 3.5%.

I don't claim to be an expert, or even have a clue what benefits are available to someone just going in today, it might be completely different. Or maybe they are just lying to me?


somewhat damaged
Yes, but why is our country broke answer that one? How much do politicians make after they are done with their term? Why do the politicians go into their career and become multi millionaires in one term? These are questions every citizen should be asking!!!

Extremely rich politicians: Insider trading & revolving door policies between the corporations that run this country. This is well known.

Edit- I will also point out that the government doesn't HAVE or create any money. Ever. Everything bit of money that it has ever gotten has been "stolen" from taxpayers. If you don't believe me, try not paying your taxes. I call it theft or extortion. Anything that the government provides was taken from somebody else.

What the government does have is a deficit. They are not stealing enough money from the people to keep up with their expenses.


Registered User
@ Skeptic You are correct for the persons you mention. That was one heck of a retirement plan however that has not been in effect for at least anyone that has been hired in the last 10 years, maybe longer. I could be mistaken but I think ATC as well retirement is slightly different over that entire gov't takeover many moons ago.

@ Herzog, Yep that's a major contributor as well....agreed

JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
Oh and our pay has been frozen for three years so in other words we're losing money from inflatio. Look I get the politican thing. It needs to be burned down and start from scratch...botj sides. But to bash on us pond govt workers is a joke.

The private sector income has been in decline. I would've loved a pay freeze, I've been making less each year since 2008.