Anyone else sitting at home - or working w/o pay - due to the Gov Shutdown?


Giver of bad advice
When I retired from the Navy 12 years ago, I thought I'd never be near jets or such ever again. I've worked with DOD contractors for 9 of those years, and about 3 1/2 years ago, got the chance to jump to DOD. I spent 2 years each with the first two contractors, laid off first for a contract modification and second due to war funding deficits. The third moved me to Utah. And then I literally moved across a parking lot doing a very similar job as I did for my last contractor job. I KNOW and believe what I do most days has a direct impact for the warfighter in harms way. We do a lot for a group that is currently undermanned, and our counterparts around the country are always amazed at what we pull off. There aren't but a handful of non-DOD jobs like mine. I'm lucky to be employed, I know. And will never say otherwise.

Due to my wife's never ending medical issues, we aren't on the best financial footing. She spent half of last year at Promise at LDS hospital. But I don't mention that sort of stuff much. We planned ahead for the summer furloughs and were fortunate to have them MOSTLY scheduled 1 per payday. There was a double that hurt, and we got over it. But if this goes more than a couple weeks its going to get tight and difficult. I've already pared my vehicle insurance down to the bone and cut a vehicle for the time being. Luckily, we have food storage and we CAN get by otherwise frugally.

A shutdown won't fix anything. THe system is broken and something does need to be done. I have lost some faith in the 2 party system. I, like many others, served my country to defeat and avoid communism and socialism, only for the braindead amongst us to invite it in, like inviting a vampire in with crackers and wine (or whatever you invite a vampire in with...)... Today's generations aren't being taught WHY this country is so great, but how we robbed and plundered our way to being the world's biggest bully. The occupier of the White House has no love of this county or what it stands for. Its difficult seeing what this country is becoming.

Since I have time on my hands, I might get some additional training in for my new puppy. I need to replace the timing belt and waterpump on my Dodge Neon, at least I bought the parts ahead of time. I've been taking care of some last yard work before it snows too much, but won't splurge for the overseeding I should be doing. Garage needs cleaning and the shed needs some straightening. I have a coupel sets of 35s that won't likely pass inspection but are probably good trail tires if anyone is interested. I need to winterize my lawnmower and pull my snowthrower out and prep it. I have another snowthrower project that might include Hickey's old Chinese dirtbike. (Just think, a 150cc, 5 speed snowthrower from hell, able to scoop up and toss slush, newspapers, the neighbor's cats...) Or maybe I'll just sit around and drink beer and feel sorry for myself... Nah, I couldn't do that for myself even when I broke my back and wasn't sure I'd even get back to work...

Look, I understand the generalizations and ideas people have of .gov employees. I see it. But not out of my own group for the most part. At least I'm not in a cubicle farm weaving red tape for the masses. Is there waste in our .gov? Indeed! On the other hand, my group is so short of funds we have arguments over fuel or office supplies. I sure wish I was privvy to the multi-million dollar seminars and "working groups". Shoot, I always seem to be working for the wrong groups to have any of that sort of fun.

Now if only we could get Congress to do what they are constitutionally bound to do and stop playing playground games...


Active Member
Tooele, UT


By endurance we conquer
This thread is amazing.

It is okay to complain about, your transmission shifting funny, how your android phone is running slow, how stupid apple products are, how no one will help you move, or how some lady gave away all of your peaches:p, but don't complain about some trivial matter like not getting paid from you job:rolleyes:.

When a fellow RMEr loses their job in the private sector I feel bad. When a fellow RMEr loses their government job, I still feel bad. Some lost pay isn't going to kill anyone on here, but it still sucks. Just because other people have lost jobs before doesn't make it okay that more people aren't getting paid. What is wrong with you guys?


Registered User
This thread is amazing.

It is okay to complain about, your transmission shifting funny, how your android phone is running slow, how stupid apple products are, how no one will help you move, or how some lady gave away all of your peaches:p, but don't complain about some trivial matter like not getting paid from you job:rolleyes:.

When a fellow RMEr loses their job in the private sector I feel bad. When a fellow RMEr loses their government job, I still feel bad. Some lost pay isn't going to kill anyone on here, but it still sucks. Just because other people have lost jobs before doesn't make it okay that more people aren't getting paid. What is wrong with you guys?

You post confuses me. I don't think anyone is saying it's ok or that we don't care. Some people, myself included, pointed out that the private sector has been hurting recently as well (worse), but that shouldn't be confused with not caring or thinking a long term gov't shutdown is somehow a good thing.


By endurance we conquer
You post confuses me. I don't think anyone is saying it's ok or that we don't care. Some people, myself included, pointed out that the private sector has been hurting recently as well (worse), but that shouldn't be confused with not caring or thinking a long term gov't shutdown is somehow a good thing.

Hmmm. I guess I read things into posts that wasn't there. I read statements like; I don't feel bad for people that don't have enough money, and suck it up you have had job security in the past, why are there 800,000 non essential employees, and here comes the government worker sob stories. Those type of comments made me think differently than was intended I guess.


Giver of bad advice
Like I said, the .gov is broken and messed up. What can we do to change it? Caucus out the incumbents. For years before moving here I always voted against the incumbent in the primaries. Bob Bennet learned that one the hard way, Hatch got the message, but just long enough to get re-elected. Primaries a Caucus/Conventions are where you start. Then, make sure whoever is elected know how you feel.


Registered User
Hmmm. I guess I read things into posts that wasn't there. I read statements like; I don't feel bad for people that don't have enough money, and suck it up you have had job security in the past, why are there 800,000 non essential employees, and here comes the government worker sob stories. Those type of comments made me think differently than was intended I guess.

Perhaps I stand corrected. I didn't see those comments, but if I missed them then you are right.

I do think the gov't is full of bloat and there are a ton of non-essential jobs and useless departments that should be cut, but not all at once at the cost of 100s of thousands of people's jobs. Attrition, multi-month or multi-year phase out, etc. Right now the biggie is the Affordable Care Act. It's broken. Hundreds or thousands of companies are fighting to be exempt, or have already been given exempt status. It does help a few, but hurts many others. Even if it was great and a vast majority of Americans supported it we can't afford it as a country, not in it's current form. Forget about me, forget about my parents who benefit from it, I'm concerned about my kids and their future. Out of control debt is not the answer. Laying off 800,000 gov't employees is not the answer. I don't have the answer, but I do believe the Republicans standing up to Obama and the Democrats and trying to semi-contain the wasteful spending of "Obamacare" is a step in the right direction.

For the record, I am NOT a Republican. I have never voted for a Republican in my life, although I have voted Democrat (no way in hell did I or would I vote for someone like Obama though).


By endurance we conquer
Perhaps I stand corrected. I didn't see those comments, but if I missed them then you are right.

I do think the gov't is full of bloat and there are a ton of non-essential jobs and useless departments that should be cut, but not all at once at the cost of 100s of thousands of people's jobs. Attrition, multi-month or multi-year phase out, etc. Right now the biggie is the Affordable Care Act. It's broken. Hundreds or thousands of companies are fighting to be exempt, or have already been given exempt status. It does help a few, but hurts many others. Even if it was great and a vast majority of Americans supported it we can't afford it as a country, not in it's current form. Forget about me, forget about my parents who benefit from it, I'm concerned about my kids and their future. Out of control debt is not the answer. Laying off 800,000 gov't employees is not the answer. I don't have the answer, but I do believe the Republicans standing up to Obama and the Democrats and trying to semi-contain the wasteful spending of "Obamacare" is a step in the right direction.

For the record, I am NOT a Republican. I have never voted for a Republican in my life, although I have voted Democrat (no way in hell did I or would I vote for someone like Obama though).

we agree here. Very well put.


Formerly WJ ZUK
My wife is a government employee. She really likes her job, she helps low income households do their taxes and sets up dozens of volunteer sites throughout utah to help process these. She used to do the same job but on the non profit side. She took a pay cut to do this about 4 years ago us thinking it would be more stable then a private sector position. Granted we do have kids or anything and are pretty budget minded so its not a huge monetary stress on us right now. We don't live paycheck to paycheck. The problem I have with this, is she didn't ask for this, neither did I so wtf. She even looked in getting a part time job just to stay busy, but can't because the gov has to approve that its not a conflict of interest apparently, and guess who has to approve this, stupid furloughed employees. I do know a lot of gov employees that I don't mind seeing not get a paycheck as I know what they do and how they do it. But I do know a lot of hard working employees too that like their job. I do agree with Davey in the fact that there does seem to be some anti government sentiment on this thread mostly from JL Rockies, I learned to not take any of his posts seriously a long time ago. I don't know if its made to be funny, but when you know people that it does affect it changes the way you look at it.

ID Bronco

Registered User
Idaho Falls, ID
I have an Uncle that worked at the INL here in Idaho for 20 years after a naval career. He told me he made 3X more for the Gov with his training than he would in the private sector, then he retired and hired back on as a consultant doing the same thing for even more. Everyone at the INL here (all Gov. jobs or Govt. contracts) that I know make more than any comparable non-Govt. job here. That's security to firefighters to truck drivers as well as nuclear scientists. I don't have very much sympathy for those particular workers when they have killer health benefits, they don't work very hard (self admittedly) and they get tons of paid time off. (they tell me it is hard at first to get used to being bored on the job)

Most Gov employees may not be like this but some are. Maybe that's part of where the attitude comes from. I also think because there is so much Govt. waste in all areas many people are in favor of some cut backs in any form since Congress NEVER cuts back on anything. Even though it huts good, hard working families.

And JL Rockies - Keep it coming


Pretend Fabricator
I do not work a government job but about 80% of my workload comes from a government contract, If the government is shut down long enough my workload dwindles to just about nothing.


Lover of all things Toyota
Mantua UT
Like I said, the .gov is broken and messed up. What can we do to change it? Caucus out the incumbents. For years before moving here I always voted against the incumbent in the primaries. Bob Bennet learned that one the hard way, Hatch got the message, but just long enough to get re-elected. Primaries a Caucus/Conventions are where you start. Then, make sure whoever is elected know how you feel.

X2 and if you like your folks in office donate to organizations that reflect your beliefs... like Freedom Works, that then target folks to take out of office.


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
I do not like the sob stories that the news is presenting. Woman says she has to move in with her parents after being off work for three days. My question is what were she and her husband doing before the time off that put them in this position. Back in the days that I lived paycheck to paycheck if I lost a job I got another one or un-employment but three days was not a killer. Most of the time I would consider it a vacation and go four wheeling although I might live on beer, Campbell soup and crackers. It sounds too much like they have an agenda like dems good repubs bad. J L Rockies is correct 99% of the time and he backs it up with proof.