Anyone want to hit the Snakes or Little Moab?

I was able to get the front bumper on today but wasn't able to get the belly skid and MT/R's swapped over, tomorrow I will not be able to work on it due to obvious reasons. Does Thursday, Friday, or Saturday work better for anyone?
Well Monday morning is out due to some family stuff for 2 of the rigs.

So, 2pm monday, at the snakes parking lot, is when we are going (2 rigs so far).

Post up, or shoot me a text if you want to meet up. Steve @ 208-890-5454.
Probably. I was going to offer you a loaner stub, 30 or 35, whatever you needed. :D

I'm out with a leaking radiator tank. I'll be swapping radiators but probably not in time.
Damn, that fell apart quick. I'm still planning on 10am. Sounds like I may end up alone?

I'll be out there to at least run Rattlesnake just after 9 am or so. Not sure if I'll run the con in the Taco but would love to see others out there :)