april fools day pranks

I've got a prank that I have wanted to pull for a few years now... And I think I am going to make it happen this year.. But it will take some planning.

I want to stick my brothers quad on top of his house.

The problem is that I have to be able to get the quad out, and get it on the roof undetected. I think I can enlist the help of his wife.
The roof line about the garage is only 10', so it wont be too difficult to figure something out.
I want to get it done in the middle of the night, so that he wakes up to it.

I think my plan will be to get the quad while he is working the day before, then do a quick and quiet rooftop delivery that night. It would be waaay sweet to have some type of box truck with the quad on top, so it can just roll right on to the roof. The other thought is on the bed of a truck, and some longer ramps to push it up..
One major problem is that their bedroom is in the front of the house, so a noisy diesel truck would be easily heard.. or if any sound wakes them, they will see me in the driveway. So what ever is done has to be FAST.
I've got a prank that I have wanted to pull for a few years now... And I think I am going to make it happen this year.. But it will take some planning.

I want to stick my brothers quad on top of his house.

The problem is that I have to be able to get the quad out, and get it on the roof undetected. I think I can enlist the help of his wife.
The roof line about the garage is only 10', so it wont be too difficult to figure something out.
I want to get it done in the middle of the night, so that he wakes up to it.

I think my plan will be to get the quad while he is working the day before, then do a quick and quiet rooftop delivery that night. It would be waaay sweet to have some type of box truck with the quad on top, so it can just roll right on to the roof. The other thought is on the bed of a truck, and some longer ramps to push it up..
One major problem is that their bedroom is in the front of the house, so a noisy diesel truck would be easily heard.. or if any sound wakes them, they will see me in the driveway. So what ever is done has to be FAST.

I could see this going so bad. That would be the prank in itself.
I've got a prank that I have wanted to pull for a few years now... And I think I am going to make it happen this year.. But it will take some planning.

I want to stick my brothers quad on top of his house.

The problem is that I have to be able to get the quad out, and get it on the roof undetected. I think I can enlist the help of his wife.
The roof line about the garage is only 10', so it wont be too difficult to figure something out.
I want to get it done in the middle of the night, so that he wakes up to it.

I think my plan will be to get the quad while he is working the day before, then do a quick and quiet rooftop delivery that night. It would be waaay sweet to have some type of box truck with the quad on top, so it can just roll right on to the roof. The other thought is on the bed of a truck, and some longer ramps to push it up..
One major problem is that their bedroom is in the front of the house, so a noisy diesel truck would be easily heard.. or if any sound wakes them, they will see me in the driveway. So what ever is done has to be FAST.

Rent a Uhaul for the night. Then you can work on it from the end of his street. Get it up on top then drive to his house with your buddies still on top of the uhaul. Back in,unload, drive off. A minute tops. Take two 2x6's for the minor height difference from roof to uhaul.
Don't forget the gopro so we can see how it all unfolds.
My sides hurt from reading reviews

I coworker brought a 5 lb. bag of those sugar free gummy bears into work just so we could experiment. The <10 bear dosage created enhanced gaseous emissions. In the 10-20 bear range, they acted like a super bran muffin. On the drive home my gut started to gurgle. Thankfully there wasn't much traffic because if there was an accident it may have had an accident in the pants. Over a couple dozen then the party gets interesting!
The best thing I ever did was while I was on my mission in England. All the mail went through the the mission office. So we would sign some Elders up with Lingerie magazines. It would go through the office. LOL It was damn funny when you'd hear about the Mission president interviewing the Elder that got that in the mail.
Awesome jeeper!

Pranked my cousin over 10 years ago and not even on april fools day. Made a Craigslist ad for a box of free porn with his phone number hahah. Best part was he had other crap for sale so he had to take the calls and explain that he didn't have a box of porn for free.