Armed Feds Prepare For Showdown With Nevada Cattle Rancher

JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
After a few days have passed, we've learned:

The BLM is armed to the teeth

The agents killed many of the cows and dumped them into mass graves

A Senator has made veiled threats and has labeled all these people domestic terrorists

Rumors of a planned Elian Gonzalez style raid are coming from the law enforcement community

All of this could've been settled legally with a single document (property lien)

Are the cool kids embarrassed yet?

BLM... lolz.

ID Bronco

Registered User
Idaho Falls, ID
After a few days have passed, we've learned:

The BLM is armed to the teeth

The agents killed many of the cows and dumped them into mass graves

A Senator has made veiled threats and has labeled all these people domestic terrorists

Rumors of a planned Elian Gonzalez style raid are coming from the law enforcement community

All of this could've been settled legally with a single document (property lien)

Are the cool kids embarrassed yet?

BLM... lolz.

I heard the garbage coming from Harry Reid today. Thanks for posting it. Everyone who supports Cliven Bundy is a domestic Terrorist. ie - ME, many law enforcement officers/Sherrif's, Senators, Representatives and many of you.

How do you all feel about that. Now I have been called worse in my day but when we start getting labeled Terrorists and you look at the exceptions to the laws in this country toward "Terrorism" you will not get a happy, nice feeling inside.


Recovery Addict

Those people who hold themselves out to be patriots are not. They’re nothing more than domestic terrorists,” Reid said. "I repeat: What went on up there was domestic terrorism.

It is an issue that we cannot let go, just walk away from,” Reid said.

While the senator mainly took issue with the hundreds who flocked to Bundy's cause, Reid also jabbed at the rancher's reputation.

"He doesn’t pay his taxes," Reid said. "He doesn’t pay his fees. And he doesn’t follow the law. He continues to thumb his nose at authority.

The people of Nevada should be ashamed that they continue to elect this animal.

JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo

Holding the Fed to the constraints of the constitution is the most intelligent and proactive thing a citizen can do... no matter what the RME cool kids say.

BLM... lolz.

JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
This month Michigan signed on to be the 34th state for an Article 5 Convention to go forward. Legislators from the western states met in UT and discussed the issue of land management.

Things can change in a very positive way, no time traveling aliens required.


BLM... lolz.

JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
So are you gonna answer Stephen's question?

Stephen (as much as I love him) is not someone I recognize as someone I need to answer to. This thread is about the continuing overreach of the Fed and it morphed into a thread about how the cool kids the have no problem with it. It's not about me, but I do recognize the need for progressives to shut up the opposition to their ideology.

The first rule of intellectual debate is the first person who resorts to name calling and personal attacks looses.

And while we're on the subject of trolls, I fully acknowledge that to owners/modz on RME as far from even-handed when enforcing their own rules, but isn't there a rule about trolling serious discussions?

BLM... lolz.


Wandering the desert
Not trolling. I've asked you lots of questions over the past that you've failed to answer as well. On one hand you invoke "the rules" yet you constantly put down others opinions. People point out solid facts and you refuse to accept or even acknowledge them. You pick and choose points on which to argue, but when another makes a vaild point you show so little respect for their point of view that you either choose to ignore it all together or change the subject with your "clever" little memes.


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
Not trolling. I've asked you lots of questions over the past that you've failed to answer as well. On one hand you invoke "the rules" yet you constantly put down others opinions. People point out solid facts and you refuse to accept or even acknowledge them. You pick and choose points on which to argue, but when another makes a vaild point you show so little respect for their point of view that you either choose to ignore it all together or change the subject with your "clever" little memes.

This could be said for people on all sides of this argument plus many others I have seen. I agree with Joseph that this thread has developed a complete side topic.


Who Dares Wins
Stephen (as much as I love him) is not someone I recognize as someone I need to answer to. This thread is about the continuing overreach of the Fed and it morphed into a thread about how the cool kids the have no problem with it. It's not about me, but I do recognize the need for progressives to shut up the opposition to their ideology.

I'm glad I'm finally one of the cool kids, but I never said that I was OK with it, simply that the response by people like you was a little over the top. You should probably answer the question, because I'm not the only one asking. You have zero credibility here anymore because all you ever do is show up when there is a "crisis" and then start casting stone, stirring pots, posting ridiculous one liners and stupid memes. You never offer anything constructive.

The first rule of intellectual debate is the first person who resorts to name calling and personal attacks looses.

I love it, this is your standard response every time you get backed into a corner. Dude, you insult people constantly on here. Even your little "cool kids" comments are meant to be demeaning. You were the first one to make a personal attack in this thread by saying that "cool kids" (people who disagree with you, and thus are less intelligent than you) are "useful idiots". All I've done is tell you to nut up or shut up. I even asked very nicely! So if you are unable to have an adult conversation, where your feel bads can sometimes get hurt, maybe you should go back to the kiddie table.

And while we're on the subject of trolls, I fully acknowledge that to owners/modz on RME as far from even-handed when enforcing their own rules, but isn't there a rule about trolling serious discussions?

It was a serious discussion until you got involved. Look at your posts. Have any of them been useful? No. Have you offered one shred of valuable information? No. Have you talked about solutions, about how to effect change? No. If you're going to start calling people trolls, look at the mirror. You only show up here anymore when there is a chance to piss people off.
While not politically correct, I don't see anything wrong with what he said. He respects hard work and people that value family. He sees the effects of social program on the black community, which in all fairness applies to the poor in all races. I don't support Bundy not paying his fees, although understand fully why he hasn't. I also don't support the BLM's heavy handed approach to the situation and fully support the militia groups that have come to make a statement.
