I think my last post pretty well covers it. Its all about advertising dollars. And yes, major media outlets have a political slant. Be it left or right, so if a story doesn't figure into their political agenda, they wont cover it. There is this notion out there that the media is obligated to provide us with unbiased news reporting of any and all events. It's simply not true, and it never has been. Ever. Anyone ever heard of William Randolph Hearst? Hell, even Ernie Pyle, as celebrated as he is, had a very specific and biased view he was presenting in all his dispatches from the front in WWII. On both side of the spectrum the people that make the decisions at these companies know that they are far more likely to draw a larger audience when they are talking about an event like Sandy Hook and the ramification's it has on the national stage over and over again than talking about some "minor" event in San Antonio. Larger audience means more people watching ads. Simple as that. These are companies, many publicly held, that are obligated to their boards to turn a profit. Same as Walmart or Apple. If something isn't going to sell, don't put it on the shelf.