So, I have not had time to try Orux yet. Hopefully get to it soon.
Just a couple data points/whining/complaining to add about Delorme Earthmate. I put in a support request for the screen going to sleep issue. That's a bug, as far as I'm concerned. None of the other Android nav apps I've used do that and it's a PITA.
It took a full week to get any response and the response was that it's a "feature", not a bug. It's to save my poor, poor device battery from going dead. Never mind that nobody uses a nav device in a vehicle without being plugged in and battery life is a complete non-issue. But, anyway, they aren't going to fix it. Which is a shame. I asked a couple of the developers at work that do both Android and IOS stuff and they said it's literally a couple minutes work to add that to the code.
In my support request I also asked about the chances for adding waypoint labels to the map screen. I have thousands of waypoints going back more than a decade and I frequently see them on the map screen without having any idea what they are without labels. Not being labeled, makes it a huge PITA to have to stop the vehicle and navigate menu options to the get a waypoint list and sort by distance etc. to try and figure out what they are. At least Gaia lets you tap the non-labeled waypoint and see a label, Earthmate has a clunky feature that is supposed to do the same, but only works about 1/3 of the time. Anyway, I asked about that too and was told that I can go online and re-name them. Well no shit Sherlock... But that doesn't answer my question in the least.
For the really cheap Android apps, I don't expect any support. But, at $30 a year, Earthmate is quite an expensive 'droid app and I do expect a little support. But, I can't get any.
A couple other features that I don't like which are borderline deal killers for me... A limit of only 500 waypoints at a time. What a crock of crap... No other 'droid nav app I've used has any limit, let alone a measly 500. I have 500 waypoints just in Anasazi ruins and rock art alone. Hundreds more just in coyote kills. That's not even starting to count any of the turns for obscure two tracks, ghost towns, cabins, caves, hot springs, fishing holes, camp spots, etc., etc., etc. that I have marked. Only being able to store 500 at a time in the app means I have to go online and remove/add waypoints for EVERY trip. Huge PITA and completely unnecessary. Delorme claims allowing more waypoints would make the app sluggish but none of the other apps that do not have this limit are sluggish.
Earthmate also limits tracks to only 500 points each. Which, makes them pretty rough, cutting off big chunks of corner and lacking any detail in the twisties etc. Not nearly as big a deal to me as the waypoint limit, but, still - Garmin was allowing way more points than that 10 years ago on hardware with only a fraction of the computing power and storage of a modern cell phone or tablet. None of the other 'droid apps have this limit. It's arbitrary and ridiculous.
Anyhoo... I want to love Delorme. The vector maps just work soooooo much better than the lousy raster maps all the other 'droid nav apps that I've tried use. Some of the UI elements are better than any of the others too. But, there are just some things about Earthmate that each by itself is a borderline deal killer for me. Add several of those things together, plus having to pay a yearly subscription, plus a complete lack of support to go along with the annual subscription, and I can't love it... If they don't improve it substantially in the next year, there's no way I'm paying for another year.
So, for now, I'm back to using Backcountry Navigator (BCN). Which, for all the things about it I hate, still seems to be the best overall mix for my purposes. Gaia, I think I actually like better, but, it freezes up on my device way too often, renders it completely unusable for me, so, it's not even up for consideration.
I hope Orux is a lot better. Or I find something else that is. All of the 'droid apps I've tried so far pretty much suck, in my opinion. Also, my opinion, there is a decent little niche market with the current "expedition" and "overlanding" fad, that some developer needs to swoop in and take advantage of. These are people that spend money on gear and seem to like to run in the same direction, build them a decent "expo" nav app and they'll pay $50 a year for it I bet. I was hoping to get some attention from BCN, Gaia or Delorme in this regard, but none of my support or feature requests to any of them have resulted in any hope at all.