Booo! on Garfield County - "Deal aimed at paving famous Burr Trail switchbacks"


Sandy, Ut
SL Trib: Deal aimed at paving famous Burr Trail switchbacks

This is the exact kind of projects that OHV could/should work with SUWA and others on. This is a loss to the OHV community just as it was a loss when they paved the upper section of the road through the canyon. Not a doubt in my mind they will then want to pave the Bullfrog-Notom Road which will really ruin the entire area for OHV enthusiasts.

This is equivalent to paving the main North Fork Road through American Fork Canyon, it would change the look, feel, recreation and heritage of the place. Sure it will help a few in their transportation but as the Burr Trail is passable to a car.

What is next? White Rim Trail?



Who Dares Wins
Huh. On one hand I can see the desire to pave it to increase tourism to the area. But on the other, yes this would dramatically change the nature of the area. So it's weighing added tourism dollars to the area versus current user enjoyment. I hate to say it but I'm pretty sure I know which side is going to win.


Sandy, Ut
Huh. On one hand I can see the desire to pave it to increase tourism to the area. But on the other, yes this would dramatically change the nature of the area. So it's weighing added tourism dollars to the area versus current user enjoyment. I hate to say it but I'm pretty sure I know which side is going to win.

The same could be said for paving the North Fork of AF Canyon and it probably will happen to service the ski resort one of these days but it doesn't mean its right and it doesn't align well with these southern Utah counties fighting for RS2477 rights over similar routes. If they are going to start paving the routes we help them fight for... I'd just assume they be closed to all.

I can see it now, a caravan of of tin-can campers with their quadruple slide-out 5th wheels towing double with a chrome out giant side by side as the caboose. Their 10 year old kids zoom all around camp on every motorized toy known to man, never leaving the vicinity of the campground in their 5 days... unless it rains of course. Stereotypical I know but at least many share my beliefs. The moto guys are not stoked about this either.

It's already 85% paved. This is good news. My very expensive ADV bike won't
get all dusty now. Maybe some speed signs and a gas station or two
would be nice as well. While they're at it a modest size Walmart would make
things easier because I wouldn't have to carry food. Okay add a Motel 6
so I don't need a tent either. Now that I think about it the car is air conditioned
so I don't even need the bike. Sweet!

Good Bye Burr trail...

Don B

formerly rebarguy
Southern Utah

I would think that paving a road would not be with in the scope of an RS2477 ROW. I'm sure there has to be some involvement from the land managing agency also.

I for one, would not support the counties in the fight for road ownership if they are going to do this sort of idiocy.


Who Dares Wins
So has anyone been in touch with the county over this? USA-All, U4, UTMA? What are they saying? I know they've wanted to pave it for decades, but are they fully aware of the displeasure that this would cause? Or do they just have blinders on?
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Active Member
SL Trib: Deal aimed at paving famous Burr Trail switchbacks

This is the exact kind of projects that OHV could/should work with SUWA and others on. This is a loss to the OHV community just as it was a loss when they paved the upper section of the road through the canyon. Not a doubt in my mind they will then want to pave the Bullfrog-Notom Road which will really ruin the entire area for OHV enthusiasts.

This is equivalent to paving the main North Fork Road through American Fork Canyon, it would change the look, feel, recreation and heritage of the place. Sure it will help a few in their transportation but as the Burr Trail is passable to a car.

What is next? White Rim Trail?

You are so right!! These clowns would also love to pave the Hole-in-the Rock Road out of Escalante as well and I bet they wouldn't mind paving the Wolverine Road into the Wolverine Petrified Wood area off of the Burr Trail. For once I say Go SUWA!


Sandy, Ut
Little later than I had hoped but I have a lunch meeting with SUWA tomorrow to discuss the Burr Trail. Common ground is common ground.


Sandy, Ut
Had what I'm considering a very successful lunch meeting with Heidi M. from SUWA today. The fact is simple, whether the masses agree or not we have common ground and preventing the paving of the Burr Trail, the Bullfrog-Notom Road, Buckhorn Wash, Comb Wash, etc from being paved is absolutely one of them. We didn't even try to discuss a Wilderness bill, what is the point, we both know there are far too many issues (most of them being political) that we will never hammer out a solution to that over lunch. However why not start with the projects we can work on together and move from there? I'll be working with Heidi and hopefully someone from the governors office to see if there is something we (OHV community) at large can do to voice our opinion in parallel to that of SUWA's and the National Park System whom also doesn't want to see these routes paved.

Now if I could get a President from the U4WDA to call me back so I could discuss their support for the issue in greater depth ;)


I run a tight ship... wreck
Wow, impressive Kurt! I appreciate your effort to work with Heidi, as scary as that may be, if it gets the job done then it's worth seeing thru!


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
Any joint effort with SUWA suits me just fine. They are a misguided opponent on many issues, not necessarily an enemy that can't be worked with... I'm ashamed to say that I assumed this was some finishing work on an already-paved Burr Trail. :( How wrong I am!


Sandy, Ut
Wow, impressive Kurt! I appreciate your effort to work with Heidi, as scary as that may be, if it gets the job done then it's worth seeing thru!

Absolutely, I'm not going into it thinking we are going to fashion a Wilderness bill that everyone pats each other on the back over. However both sides have an absolute interest in the Burr Trail switchbacks and Bullfrog-Notom staying unpaved and its naive to not discuss the potential to combine efforts to thwart projects from happening.

Any joint effort with SUWA suits me just fine. They are a misguided opponent on many issues, not necessarily an enemy that can't be worked with... I'm ashamed to say that I assumed this was some finishing work on an already-paved Burr Trail. :( How wrong I am!

Thanks for the earlier discussion and I look forward to discussing this with the U4 BOD when appropriate.


Who Dares Wins
Great to hear, Kurt. I've always thought that if we can get SUWA to work with us on stuff, we'll all see that we have common ground.

That said, I worry that they may look at this as a huge PR gold mine. We (the 4x4 community) will need to tread carefully.


somewhat damaged
Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Interesting approach but it would be a shame to see those areas paved.


Sandy, Ut
Interesting approach but it would be a shame to see those areas paved.

When all the chips fall there may be little we can do on this situation and others. I'll chalk it up to a good try and look for the next opportunity. That said the current system is not working on any level, our local OHV groups haven't even had this type of "loss" on their radar and as we stand to lose more to 'development' than we do closure if counties get 60' right of ways on every RS2477 route. I'm in no way saying I believe counties are planning to pave any or all of their Class D transportation routes but Garfield County is and its more than a rumor that other counties are warm on the idea particularly when stimulus money is footing the bill. There was discussion of paving American Fork Canyon from Tibble Fork to Midway, that would 100% ruin the area for motorized users and in fact I would rather see it closed than paved, simple as that. Last thing I want is AF Canyon to turn into Big/Little Cottonwood Canyon style recreation at the urging of the counties that are looking out for the citizens. SL County is one of the worst offenders:

What happens when Carbon and Emery county want to pave Buckhorn? What happens when Tooele County wants to pave the Pony Express Trail out to Fish Lake? What happens when Grand County wants to pave Sand Flats Road up into the La Sals? While many are saying "no way" it will never happen. Its just as amazing to me that the remote Bullfrog-Notom Road and Burr Trail switchbacks are being paved and given the language written into the Utah RS2477 legalese it could happen. Back to American Fork Canyon, there is much talk of a paved road extending up to Snowbirds planned expansion in the canyon, while its nothing more than rumors I don't think Snowbird has disguised the fact they want to serve Utah County skiers in their own backyard, its honestly my opinion that within the next 10 years there will be winter access to skiing via Utah County? I could totally be up in the night but given the FS discussions I've had & heard and the current context I think its plausible. Article related:

In our conversation today Heidi asked what my thoughts were on seasonal closures of areas that are 'controversial' (think Arch Canyon in SE Utah). I said I was for them where appropriate. As I sat there thinking about it I realized it was the 4x4 community asking the FS in AFC to install those same seasonal gates on the spur trails up AFC to prevent the shoulder season damage that was happening every year and threatening the future of those routes. Had an environmental group proposed that I can honestly say the majority of OHV users would have been up in arms about 'loss of control' and being 'stripped of our rights' yet in this instance our end goal was the same, preserve access while mitigating the damage that cannot be ignored. U4's member clubs have built thousands of feet of fence in AFC, fence that we all know is to keep OHV'ers on the trail. We can't deny that our community needs policing, at least I can't. I'm rambling here but it was very enlightening to discuss this matter with Heidi. While we might not agree on many aspects of land management, she is intelligent and works within a very successful group. I've said it over and over but I have far more respect from an active anti-motorized, pro-wilderness, environmentalist, (insert any name that might be associated with the opposite of OHV community) than I do apathetic users when it comes time to hearing them out and weighing their input. Simple as that.

I've urged many to read a book by Jim Stiles called "Morphing Moab at the Speed of Greed" in which he clearly predicts what will be the biggest detractor to the outdoors in Moab. Development. His satire filled book may be good for laughs but Stiles in an environmentalist whom speaks praise for RR4W and the EJS event and doesn't think they will ruin Moab. Development will. Think Proving Grounds, think Lions Back, think Bump Dump. Think about the Strike Ravine and Lower Helldorado cases, more losses by those than 'environmentalist' actions in the recent years. If it were not for groups like Area BFE undoubtedly that area would have been bought by some other person looking to build a house and given SITLA's procedure they would have closed down everything they could just like the Strike Ravine scenario. I'll quite rambling but check out the book if you get a minute, its an eye opener for many.

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