Brandon's Fantasy Factory 1980 Build

just bought tires 3/4 tread 35x12.5 MTRs with rims
picked up my 35 mtr's on black rims put them on,
Mounted gas tank
fluid in diffs
Plumbed PS lines
cut front fenders
Thanks Gordon for the help
Started my truck up and it moved!!!! I was thrilled still no brakes, but I just drove it on the grass little scary, PS works awesome, 5:29s on 35's seem great but I never got over 1 mph but needed no gas to get rolling. Love front axle placement with the new 35's

made new hard lines mounted soft lines, mounted shock hoops

also made new square drive line have to finish welding it later
has my stock cv joint with the high angle
has a ifs u joint with high angle