Purely academic until someone actually takes the neccissary steps... Its not as easy as planting a couple of rocks or signs on the bypass...
The reason this project has fallen on its face several times in the past is two-fold...
1. A sizeable amount of Constrictor is on private property. Neither the BLM nor we have the right to make ANY changes to the trail in all reality. The BLM allows user maintainance on their trails, with their approval... and in many cases blocking bypasses and trail weaving would be appreciated to the fullest... but its a different situation with Constrictor as the owners would accept any proposed changes. Thats not to say they would even notice a bypass blocked, I don't know... I don't know the owners. There was rumor that a few RME'ers ran into them last year as they were riding their dirtbikes, but thats never gone past just that... rumors. I know WJ ZUK & Tacoma offered up their "investigative" services at the last U4WDA meeting as this is a major issue we have been working. Finally having somebody willing to track them down is a big step (thanks guys!
). From there, its really up to their mercy.... for all we know they could tell us to pound sand and stay off their property. In fact they might take notice of the popularity and want to start charging a user fee or close it off to public access, especially considering the use (overuse??) it potentially gets. I wish I had more clarity on the subject but its all speculation at this point...
2. The BLM is currently revising their travel plan. The latest maps we received from the contact we are working with most likely did not (the maps were very ambiguous) have Constrictor nor the trail leading up to it on their "proposed" systems trails. So... all the work in the world might be all for not as they could close the trail to all motorized use with the signing of a pen. There may or may not be any legal standing to fight it... but groups like U4WDA & Usa-All likely don't have money to fight this type of battle. And apathy won't get us much money from users sadly. We have spoken with the BLM on several occasions about the future of Constrictor, they realize it is a complex issue too... hence why they had us pull the car out from day 1. They know it exists, they know its a prized trail to us... but it was missed in their initial inventory 5+ years ago (as were countless other trails in the area). I don't know what trails they inventoried and what the requirements they had were... mabey it didn't look passable to them? Mabey they stopped their inventory at the private property boundary? Mabey they used old maps and aerial photography to determine routes? Its hard to say what some "unauthorized" improvements would do for the situation... could be good, could easily be really bad... not worth the risk IMHO. There are similar situations where people were ticketed and fined for "restoration" of the "restoration" they did to public land... I can think of a couple instances, sad but true. Realistically until the BLM is ready with even a "sample" motorized travel plan, there is little we can do other than "play nice" and keep on their good side. They can't make comments nor take comments until they have some proposed plans. Our NPLD RME cleanup was a huge step there... JuLee from the BLM surveyed our dumpster (that she provided) the next day before the picked it up... the was beyond excited that we would spend a random Saturday picking up trash in the area. Can't be a bad thing that they noticed our hard work... Sadly we had ~20 participants (weak, weak, weak)... expecially considering how many users that area gets on any other weekend. Imagine how much trash we could have picked up with 100 volunteers? Imagine what that would say to the BLM... I have no doubt it bolsters our cause!